What PHP editor should I use?
I now have NetBeans 6.8 (the PHP version) but it´s always freezing for a long time. I previously used version 6.7.1, but the auto scan feature rendered the editor useless for too long, like 10 min on each restart.
I used Eclipse as well but had the same experience as in Netbeans. Always freezing for a long time and very buggy specially if you install a lot of plugins.
I tried Vim for a short time with plugins, but I don't like the navigation and other parts of it even though it's fast and has some "autocomplete" and "go to declaration" features. I love SciTE and/or Notepad++. They are always super fast and never freeze but have no real "autocomplete" nor "go to declaration" feature.
Is there any middle ground? Like a SciTE/Notepad++ type editor that loads fast and is snappy and responsive and has a "autocomplete" and "go to declaration"?
PS. I know of the answers in http://stackoverflow.com/questions/503132/lightweight-auto-completing-php-editor
(Edit 19.11 2009 16:17 start)
Currently I am trying phpDesigner7 and Cream.
Pros: Very good "autocomplete" and "go to declaration".
Cons: forgets that it has scanned my project and takes a long time to scan (I can use the editor though while it´s scanning, I can live with that.)
Pros: snappy Cons: I liked my Vim install with plugins somewhat and am having trouble seeing how this is any better. I can't see how I can install an "autocomplete" or "go to declaration" feature into this editor. (Edit 19.11 2009 16:17 end)