ruedaminute's answer on dispatching events from the buttons and having main process those events is by far the best way to handle this, but there are many ways to do this in as3 - but try to use the aforementioned technique. Some of the other techniques.
- Make a function in Main such as public function GotoPage(iPageNum:int):void{}
from a button - try this._parent.GotoPage(1);
but this._parent might not be main, do a trace(this._parent), and keep trying
it might end up being
this._parent._parent._parent.GotoPage(1) depending on your display tree hierachry.
Again, this is REALLY bad OOP practices, but well, it will work.
Another tecnique - use a singleton for main- looks like u already are - add that same public method, then from the button click, you could do Main.getMain().GotoPage(1);
That is a bit better, in that you can change the display tree and not have to figure out where the heck Main is in the display tree, but singletons also are discouraged for a variety of reasons, but in this case I would say it makes since.
Good Luck!
~ JT