Hi there,
I'm using the PHP Zend Framework.
How can I get the values from the controller sent by:
// I get these values from a DB
'idCity' => $idCity ,
i get the info in the Dojo_Form
$city = new Zend_Dojo_Form_Element_FilteringSelect('idCity');
but by idCity i'm going to the DB and update the FilteringSelect('idRestaurant') to see the restaurants in that City
How can I see the value of the variables sent by $form->populate($infoForm); in the form?
I've tried $this->getvalue('idCity') in the form, but this seems to get the value only when it returns to the controller. I want to check the value idCity and then generate the FilteringSelect('idRestaurant').
::Explaining better
I've got: I've got: Controller (extends Zend_Controller_Action)
Model (Zend_Db_Table_Abstract) -> functions to access database
Form (extends Zend_Dojo_Form) -> create the from :: I want to see the values here!!
View (where I can view the form)
I get the values from the database in the controller, then I send them to Form with $form->populate($infoForm); I woul like to see the values that came from the controller to generate the form accordingly