When you first started to write program, what was the first programming language you learned?
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When you first started to write program, what was the first programming language you learned?
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Apple BASIC, followed by its assembly. I loved the fact that the Apple ][+ had the built in disassembler, made it very easy to figure out how things worked.
Well, it was in the backseat of my Dad's wagon on prom night and... oh wait, wait, sorry misread that question.
BASIC on the Commodore VIC 20
BASIC on a mainframe, entered on punchcards. I was 9, so I couldn't tell you what kind of mainframe.
Microsoft BASIC 2.0, Commodore edition (that's right, Microsoft provided the BASIC seen on the Commodore computers). Quickly followed up with 6502 assembly.
I should mention that this was on a Commodore 64 (classic, not 64C) and I still dabble once and a while with VICE, because you gotta know and stick to your roots.
TI-83 Basic. Instead of paying attention in math class I would program in Basic on my calculator.
It probably explains why I'm so horrible at math, yet so into programming.
GW Basic on a Tandy 1000. I still remember when I figured out (with minimal documentation) how to allocate more memory to video and jump to screen 10, with 16 colors! gasp
I cut my programming teeth on zMUD scripts and macros. I spent a good chunk of my early teens as a MUD zombie, and this is the only reason I don't consider it a huge waste. Turns out there's nothing that motivates you to learn as much as improved performance in an online game!
mIrc script, and then Visual Basic 6.
mIrc script was pretty fun. It was the old days :P
Bally Arcade BASIC (it only had 1.2K of RAM), followed by Apple Basic on an Apple II.
Amsoft Basic on an Amstrad CPC 6128.
128k of RAM, and could only access one 64k bank at a time.
GW-BASIC -> Amiga BASIC -> Aztec C -> Fortran 77 ............
........ Ruby :)
It wasn't as bad as it's usually made out to be for a first language, but I did have people to use as resources.
Logo on an Apple ][
My perception of the universe shifted about 45 degrees when I realized a function could call itself...
z80 assembly (on the trs-80 model 1, but that's an aside, not part of the answer).
SNOBOL, in a computational linguistics class. The first real assignment was an English-to-Pig-Latin translator; it took about five lines of code. I've been a fan of languages with dynamic typing, garbage collection, and rich control structures ever since.
Data General BASIC on a DG Nova 2; age 12. MiniComps can crash too!
Assembler on CDC 6600 Mainframe followed closely by CDC advanced Fortran IV.
BASIC running on an IBM mainframe computer, using Selectric terminals.
For those unfamiliar, that's an IBM Selectric typewriter, (with fanfold paper running through it), driven by a serial interface with a 100 baud modem.
Borland C++, the DOS version (I could not remember the version number). I've learn this from college as prerequisite for my Engineering class
One of the first BASIC interpereters on what my fuzzy memory remembers as an old Burroughs mainframe with a teletypewriter (we're talking approximately 1965 or so here)
BBC Basic
Editing/Replying in Opera identified as Opera doesn't work sometimes (just upgraded to Opera 9.6) :(
TI-Basic on a TI99 4/A, then TI-Extended Basic, powered by hardware handled sprites :)
Hypercard on my Mac Plus. The scripting language HyperCard used was called HyperTalk, although AppleScript was able to be used also.
TribesScript. Not my "first" programming language but it was the first I cared about.
mine was c++ , I had a bad experience learning it since the guy teaching it knew as much c++ as I did.
Embarrassing but Visual Basic 6.0 was the first I actually programmed with...
it was either Woz' Integer Basic on Apple ][ or Microsofts Applesoft Basic on the same Apple ][ clone (Yes, Microsoft created Applesoft Basic)
My first language was taught to me at High School.. It was an assembler language for a PDP-8 mainframe that was owned by the nearby technical college. My next language was BASIC, this was done old a Research Machine micro running CP/M. Exposure to BASIC on a Commodore Pet followed shortly, by this time i was well and truly hooked.
C++ in highschool. Didn't hit pointers and recursion for a while though.
I have a feeling my story is pretty common for people my age(early 20s)
qbasic begat php
php begat java
java begat c
c begat ruby(changing directions)
ruby begat ...(smalltalk?,scheme?, something else?)
I remember when I first figured out how an If statement worked, it was a great moment. After that discovery, I read the manual front to back and worked my way up to writing my own apps and games - fun times.
Whatever language was used for Intellivision's keyboard component. Otherwise, Basic.
BASIC on a ZX Spectrum 48 back in the dark ages on programming languages (1984)!
I first started programming using Mallard basic - on an Amstrad PCW... which was basically a word processor.
The books which encouraged me were the 'Teach yourself programming' range, which I think were published by Osborne(?) They were designed for kids and included an overview of key concepts, followed by pages and pages of source code which you were expected to copy. Originally published during the days of the ZX Spectrum, VIC20, Acorn Electron and C64.
TI-58 calculator. No permanent storage. It remembered the program until you turned it off - then you had to retype the program to run it again.
JavaScript :(, It was my introductory language and I decided to abandon it because I lost interest in Web development.
Commodore Basic, but the first language I was taught was Karel the Robot in High School CS class.
6800 Assembler on a SWTP SS-50 bus micro-computer kit. 30+ years ago
My first language was Logo, in elementary school (in the early 80s). By the time I was next exposed to programming, in middle school (late 80s) I'd forgotten it. My second exposure was with AppleSoft BASIC.
I didn't really grok programming until high school, when I taught myself HyperTalk at home while learning GW-BASIC in class.
Basic on a Sord M5, then Z80 assembler, then Turbo Pascal under CPM.
First ZX Spectrum Basic,
Then Commodore 64 Basic, (and LOGO)
Then a long gap when my first Windows machine didn't boot into a Basic prompt :-(
(although IIRC it had something called QBasic?)
Then Java -- which put me off programming for a long time.
Then Python, which got me interested again -- hooked, in fact.
And now learning C++ and Java again thanks to Python healing my programmer soul!! :-)
some flavor of Basic that ran on MSX (don't quite remember its exact name, maybe QBASIC?)
I went to one of those bad colleges who taught Java as a first language... of course, the next class they turned around and dumped us into C data structures and another in Assembly, so I guess they didn't corrupt us too badly.
TI-BASIC for the TI-83... wrote a quadratic formula shortcut app for Algebra
AMOS on the Commodore Amiga.
I remember typing in some crazy Amiga Format code to get Pong to work!
Basic on a Commodore 64 Long break... GW Basic Long Break... QBasic Long Break... Visual Basic 3
C (in college).
And then C++, then Java, then VB.NET, then C# (as hobby during college days).
After getting my first job: VB, Java, Python, C and now C++. All in 4 years!
Q-BASIC => JavaScript => TI-83 BASIC => PHP. HTML before JavaScript but that doesn't really count.
I first programmed in logic circuits (1970).
The first programming Language that I learned was FORTRAN II (1971).
The first program that I was actually able to run on a computer was in NCR BASIC(1973).
C++... in college before it was replaced in the curriculum with java midway through my degree.
COMAL during high school.
Judging by the lack of a mention so far, it must be pretty rare.
English Phonics.
After an initial grasp of the syntax, I learned the power to command large dynamic objects through space and time with simple utterances.
Although, the system has a sometimes buggy interface and not always predictable return values.
Started with Python 3 Years ago on fresh installed Debian System.
DEC BASIC PLUS - 1978 - on punched cards for first 6 weeks. Then switching to a paper terminal running at 110 Baud over acoustic coupler..... I then built an Acorn Atom - 6502/Basic, then onto Apple ][ 6502/AppleSoft Basic.
Specifically via a little-remembered tutorial program from Symantec called "Just Enough Pascal".
BASIC, on the TI Calculator (TI-82)
Once I learned how to program functions, I didn't see the need to spend time learning math. Fortunately, my Algebra II teacher realized what I was doing and forced me to learn (by not allowing calculators on tests).
I don't remember. That was a long time ago.
In high school I used some dialect of Basic on some kind of (HP, I think) desktop printing calculator as well as Fortran on a mini the high school had inherited.
First serious project was in RatFor.
Plain-old C, not the easiest language to start with, but one you've mastered pointers, things tend to get a lot easier :)
My first programming language learned is Turbo C for me this is the core of all programming languages. haha :)) If you easily understand the Turbo C You will easily learn other programming languages.
I did a bit of Clipper, but years later when I actually started learning programming I did Java.
155 answers and I'm seriously the first to say Perl?
Perhaps one of the worst choices as a beginner language, but I was persistent. This was also before there were many great online resources so I learned from an old fashioned book, still have that worn out Discover Perl 5 book...
"How To Program BASIC" for the mac. Then shortly after REALBasic.
PL/1 - I learned it on a GUI system called Libra. The next term I was back to punch cards, which was hard - especially programming lisp with all the parentheses.
first GW-BASIC, second FORTRAN, third C, forth COBOL, fifth PASCAL, sixth C++, seventh JAVA, eighth VISUAL-BASIC, ninth PL/SQL, tenth CELLpro(brooks)
I started with Visual Basic when I was 14 and started to learn C# and Java when I entered University. Recently, I've been playing around in C and PHP.
ABC 80 BASIC. A Swedish computer from the late seventies.
The ABC 80 BASIC did something that I didn't find common back then (1984). It kind of compiled a row as you pressed enter. This way you got quick feedback of some typos and it also made it quite fast for being a BASIC. A feature I missed moving to C64 later on. Didn't miss it that long though because I figured out that the games and demos weren't made in BASIC at all and soon found myself hacking in a machine code monitor provided by some cartridge I forgot the name of.
So many posts but I must add mine. My first programming was Apple Scripts on LC 630. :D
I'm not entirely sure. I could say "BASICA", but I hardly used that for anything even remotely useful.
So, I would say it was Turbo Pascal.
LOGO - i did Logo on a free course in school when i was 14, then a pice of Pascal regards Jürgen
Algol 68.
I saw some Commodore PET BASIC but never really used it. In university we were taught programming in Algol 68.
It's odd to see languages like C# slowly catching up to features that have always been part of my programming practice because they were standard in Algol 68. Higher-order functions in particular.
Since 1978
I don't know why nobody mentioned
But now Visual Basic 2010
Tomorrow I don't Know
Pascal on a VAX/VMS terminal (nothing can beat that orange screen) at my high school. What made this special was that the year was 1999.
Blitz Basic was the first language I actually did anything in. Hated it and still do. Wasn't my first programming book, but it was the first I actually used.
REXX, specifically Mansfield REXX on an XT IBM compatible running DOS.
Rexx is rather neat: Dynamically typed scripting language. Never going back ;) Next was C, but at age 8, I didn't really get it yet - not until I had some Perl and VB under my belt (trying to get VB to call Win32 and fudging COM requires you to grok pointers... after that, C is a piece of cake...)
DEC BasicPlus on a PDP 11/40
Followed closely by Basic on a TRS-80, then Z-80 assembly - which was hand assembled because we didn't have an assembler!
The very first was BASIC on a Commodore PET at home. But the first serious one was LISP at first uni semester, running on brain, pencil and paper.