




Before I ask my question I want to thank everyone on stack overflow. I'm really amazed at how helpful everyone is and how much I've learned just in the past year or so from asking questions when I'm confused.

I'm trying to use the recordSale function on this API for someone my work does business with, it's a way to record sales (hence the name):

url: https://secure.directtrack.com/api/soap.php# wsdl: https://secure.directtrack.com/api/soap.php?wsdl

Name: recordSale Binding: DirectTrackWebServicesBinding Endpoint: http://secure.directtrack.com/api/soap.php SoapAction: http://secure.directtrack.com/api/soap.php/recordSale Style: rpc Input: use: encoded namespace: http://soapinterop.org// encodingStyle: http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/ message: recordSaleRequest parts: client: xsd:string password: xsd:string order_id: xsd:string sale_amount: xsd:double campaign_id: xsd:int

Output: use: encoded namespace: http://soapinterop.org// encodingStyle: http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/ message: recordSaleResponse parts: return: xsd:int

Namespace: http://soapinterop.org// Transport: http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http

So I am trying to set up the php for this and I wrote:

$client2 = new SoapClient("http://secure.directtrack.com/api/soap.php?wsdl", array('trace'=> true));
$results2 = $client2->recordSale(array(
                                       "client" => 'my work's client #', 
                                       "password" => "password",
                                       "order_id"  => "2",
                                       "sale_amount"  => "1000",
                                       "campaign_id"  => "16",
                                       "affiliate_code"  => "CD35",
                                       "date"  => "2009-11-17",
                                       "sale_status"  => "",
                                       "optional_info"  => "fsq2",
                                       "misc"  => "9",
                                       "record_lead"  => "1"));
echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";

And the return value that gets printed is the number "1". The thing is that this "1" doesn't change if I change the password or leave out required fields. Am I going about this in entirely the wrong way?

+1  A: 

It looks like you have a single quote in there

'my work's client #'

which should be

"my work's client #"

secondly you should probably use a debugging tool (I use eclipse php for debugging but there's several out there including netbeans). You will see more information with a debugger.

Lastly you can see the actual XML of the request and response via:

$lastRequest = $client2->__getLastRequest();
$lastResponse = $client2->__getLastResponse();

since you have trace turned on.

Arthur Frankel
oh the single quote was just me changing my work's login and pasword so i can post it here. Thanks for your help.

Could you please add some debugging-statements to your code to see what's happening on the wire?

$client2 = new SoapClient("http://secure.directtrack.com/api/soap.php?wsdl", array(
    'trace'=> true
$results2 = $client2->recordSale(array(
    "client" => // ...
echo "<pre>";
var_dump($client2-> __getLastRequestHeaders());
var_dump($client2-> __getLastRequest());
var_dump($client2-> __getLastResponseHeaders());
var_dump($client2-> __getLastResponse());
echo "</pre>";

This will give you some insight into the SOAP request being generated and into the SOAP response being returned from the server.

Stefan Gehrig