I fought with the IDE and read around all day enough to learn that in AS3, the exported class name of a lib symbol matters.
I have hello.fla. In it I created a simple textfield with a string ('hello') - coverted it to a symbol (movieclip) and did the following:
- made the classname 'Hello'.
- Export for AS is checked
- Export in first frame is checked.
Once i did all that i nuked the instance on the stage. I thought I might add some extra functionality later so I actually also built a Hello.as class, which extends MovieClip, and which lives in the default pkg* and the whole fla builds fine:
import flash.display.MovieClip;
public class Hello extends MovieClip
public function Hello()
Now my main.fla, same folder, uses document class Main, and Main.as does the following:
private var h:MovieClip;
h = new Hello();
this.addChild(h); //no joy
*till i get this working, nothing is in folders: all the files are in the root folder.