




I need to display items in a list (read-only), but instead of the default top-to-bottom way of displaying a list, I need to display it bottom-to-top.

|                 |
|                 |
|                 |
|                 |
|          value 3|
|          value 2|
|          value 1|

If a new item is added, it should be added to the list like this :

|                 |
|                 |
|                 |
|          value 4|
|          value 3|
|          value 2|
|          value 1|

I couldn't find a Swing component allowing me to do this. I have no experience in Swing and don't really know how I could solve this problem.


Add a Box containing glue and your list to the scrollpane.


Inside your listener method that listens for a new item:

 String labelText = new String();
 for(int i = list.size()-1; i >= 0; i--)
  labelText = list.get(i) + "<br>" + labelText;
Amber Shah
+1  A: 

Somewhere in your code, each new item (value4, in your example) must be added to the list somewhere by adding it to a list model. Let's assume that your list is called list and that it is backed by a DefaultListModel called listModel, like this:

// Create a new list of items
DefaultListModel listModel = new DefaultListModel();
JList list = new JList(listModel);

Somewhere, you have code that actually adds new elements, like this:

public void addNewElement(Object elementToAdd)

If you want to always add new elements at the beginning of the list, then you should just change the code to call insertElementAt() instead of addElement(), like this:

public void addNewElement(Object elementToAdd)
    listModel.insertElementAt(elementToAdd, 0);

Meanwhile, if your JList is displayed inside of a larger space, and you would like your JList to hug the bottom of the space, then you can put your JList inside of a JPanel and tell it to stick to the bottom of the JPanel using a BorderLayout.

So, for example, if you used to put your list into a JScrollPane, like this:

JScrollPane listScrollPane = new JScrollPane(list);

you could instead put your list into a JPanel that is the same color as the background of the list, and then you could put that list inside the scroll pane instead:

JPanel panel = new JPanel();
panel.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
panel.add(list, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
JScrollPane listScrollPane = new JScrollPane(panel);
Joe Carnahan