Which is less expensive and preferable: put1 or put2?
Map<String, Animal> map = new Map<String, Animal>();
void put1(){
for (.....)
if (Animal.class.isAssignableFrom(item[i].getClass())
map.put(key[i], item[i]);
void put2(){
for (.....)
map.put(key[i], item[i]);}
catch (...){}
Question revision: The question wasn't that clear. Let me revise the question a little. I forgot the casting so that put2 depends on cast exception failure. isAssignableFrom(), isInstanceOf() and instanceof are similar functionally and therefore incur the same expense just one is a method to include subclasses,while the 2nd is for exact type matching and the 3rd is the operator version. Both reflective methods and exceptions are expensive operations.
My question is for those who have done some benchmarking in this area - which is less expensive and preferable: instanceof/isassignablefrom vs cast exception?
void put1(){
for (.....)
if (Animal.class.isAssignableFrom(item[i].getClass())
map.put(key[i], (Animal)item[i]);
void put2(){
for (.....)
map.put(key[i], (Animal)item[i]);}
catch (...){}