



I'm looking for an on the fly URL shortener much like how tweetdeck works. I have found many jQuery and general javascript plugins that take a url and run it through a shortening service such as when a button is pressed. However, I have not been able to find one that does it on the fly. My first question is does this already exist someplace? Secondly, if it doesn't, then what would be the best way to recognize a URL that needs to be shortened inside a textbox? My thoughts:

  1. On onKeyUp of that text area run through the text looking for http
  2. If found grab the whole URL (how do I determine the end? could be period, comma, space, etc...)
  3. Make sure the URL isn't already a URL
  4. Validate the URL (make a request and make sure the http response is not an error, does already do this?)
  5. If valid, send the url to's API and get the response
  6. Replace the long URL with the short URL in the text area.


+3  A: 

The on the fly bit is going to be difficult to make reliable and speedy.

People won't type http most of the time or even www.

The end, like you said, is going to be hard to determine if the url contains a space or worse, runs into the next sentence because the user didn't put in a space.

And what if people need to change the url after the fact because they typed instead of ?

I think the best solution would be an "insert shortened url" button on your text editor that allowed people to do just that. Or, do it server-side when the post is made.

the post has a max length and shortening on the fly gives them more characters to make their post

Why not do a jQuery POST to the API?

the problem is that they can only have X number of characters in their post and shortening their URL on the fly gives them extra characters

I found your post while looking for something similar and eventually just wrote a jQuery plugin that provides (at least part of) what you're looking for.

My jQuery Url Shortener on Bitbucket

It's a very simple plugin; I didn't need to shorten the user's urls so I don't have any length checking or url testing before shortening it, though I am not averse to adding those types of features.

Just thought you might find it useful.

As for Recognising URLs in your textbox, I would suggest using a RegEx to match the url.
