
Does URL Shortening affect Page Ranking?

Recently there has been a lot of hype about URL Shortening. I guess some URL Shortening services even offer tracking stats. But, doesn't adding one more level of look-up to the original URL affect page ranking in any way? Just curious to know. ...

How to save text in php as a pdf file?

I have textarea in my site(link shortening site) i want to user enter some kind of text and as a return i will give(shorten link) a pdf file which user can download.How can i do that with php do i need extra library or default php libraries are capable of doing that?(i am working on windows machine by the way)(site using php mysql apache...

how to append url code from database to domain name and redirect with php?

i am on half of url shortening system i get the url from user then create code in mysql for that.Then i have to append coming code to my domain name(now i am working on localhost) like http://localhost/a5c3 then redirect it to real domain.I stuck in here.Code snippet would be good for me at least to understand what i am going to do or yo...

URL Shortening: What's the best encoding to use?

I'm adding a feature to my project where we are generating links to internal stuff of our website, and we want these links to be as short as possible, so we'll be making our own "URL Shortener". I'm wondering what's the best encoding / alphabet to use for the generated short URLs. This is largely a subjective question, I'd like to know ...

Help with cURL + PHP?

I am a novice programmer at best, but I am trying to play a prank on a friend. Basically, there is a url shortener that he is using to redirect to a rickroll page, and the url shortener has a statistics page. I want to mass request the url to make the statistics go up to a ridiculously high number. I've written a PHP script that should ...

What's a good URL shortening script?

What's a good URL shortening script that does the following things? It is customizable (HTML and CSS) Users can create accounts Users can delete shortened URLs There is a bookmarklet Users can set privacy codes Some sort of API (so Twitter clients could use it, etc.) Thanks a document.write(Math.random()*Math.pow(10,18)); :) ...

Most appropriate API for URL shortening service

Hi Folks, I've just finished an online service for shortening URLs (in php5 with Zend Framework); you can enter an URL and you get an short URL (like tinyurl and such sites). I'm thinking about the API for developers - at the moment you can send URLs with SOAP to the service, but I am not sure if this is a good solution. What is the be...

jQuery on the fly URL shortener

I'm looking for an on the fly URL shortener much like how tweetdeck works. I have found many jQuery and general javascript plugins that take a url and run it through a shortening service such as bit.ly when a button is pressed. However, I have not been able to find one that does it on the fly. My first question is does this already exist...

c# shortening string for url

i want to uniquely shorten strings-file ids to use in urls like the ones on bit.ly etc. I can use ids from a db but i want urls to be random like. what would be the best solution? site will be a mobile site so i want to it to as short as possible ...

Shortening/Rehashing UUIDs

Hi, first of all, I want to assure that I'm aware of the fact, that rehashing is a sensible topic. However I'd like to hear some opions of you, what approach you would take here. I'm building a distribured application, where nodes remotely create entities identified by a UUID. Eventually, all entities should be gathered at a dedicated ...

Replace urls with the shortened version - Ruby

Replacing the urls in a block of plain text is done by looking for url regular expressions. I am using string.gsub(regex, "\1") to achieve the same. I would like to know how to proceed if the shortened url (using api's of any url shortening service) is to be used as the replacement and not the original url. I am using Ruby. ...

Anyone have a URL Shortening T-Sql code?

Hi folks, I'm wanting to shorten some url's and sql guids into some 'short' url format. Does anyone have any code or links to some code, for url shortening in T-Sql? ...

URL shortener: best encoding method?

I'm creating a link shortening service and I'm using base64 encoding/decoding of an incremented ID field to create my urls. A url with the ID "6" would be: http://mysite.com/Ng== I need to also allow users to create a custom url name, like http://mysite.com/music Here's my (possibly faulty) approach so far. Help in fixing it would be a...

How to. domain works?

Can somebody explain why and how "to." domain works? It's not usual. http://to./ ...

Using URL shortening service

I am trying to use URL shortening service in my app. However, I want to expose my custom tinyURL domain rather than the one of the services. For this, I've done the following: I shorten my long URLS from a stardard tinyURL service and get a shortened URL like - http://tinyurl.com/abcdXYZ I expose the url as http:// kk.ly/abcdXYZ (Assum...

What is 301 redirect ? and how to do this?

It is ironical that after asking the question:- http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2985377/how-do-url-shortening-services-make-money-closed i am heading over to create another URL shortening service [ despite of the fact that it was closed without any proper answer ]. Till now i was thinking that i will just redirect the request to actua...

Is it possible to generate custom bit.ly URLs through their API?

I would like to be able to generate custom bit.lys (http://bit.ly/thecakeisalie type things) through their API. This does not appear to be possible, but I thought I'd check; does anyone happen to know otherwise? ...

Base10 to base64 url shortening

I'm coding an url shortener function for a project in which I'm learning php, here is the code (btw I suppose that global here is not a good thing to do :P): $alphabet = array(1 => "a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j","k","l","m","n","o","p","q","r","s","t","u","v","w","x","y","z", "A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H","I",...

url shortening with unicode conversion for ids?

I need to make a url shortener for work, so I'm trying to figure out what is going to be the best schema to provide the largest possible number of links in the smallest possible id string. I had thought of converting unicode characters to bit values to use as ids for a simple database--is such a thing possible? Is there any particular u...

Twitter is scared of my lengthy url - gotta shorten it! [c#]

Hi There, I have a website where everytime one of our customers reviews a new product it gets tweeted onto the company twitter account automatically. for the actual tweeting, i am using the twitter api's directly, without any wrapper classes and libraries. its all working fine, except, when the post gets too lengthy, it doesnt get twee...