



I'm coding an url shortener function for a project in which I'm learning php, here is the code (btw I suppose that global here is not a good thing to do :P):

$alphabet = array(1 => "a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j","k","l","m","n","o","p","q","r","s","t","u","v","w","x","y","z",

function shorten($id){
    global $alphabet;
    $shortenedId = "";
        $remainder = $id % 64;
        $id = $id / 64;     
        $shortenedId = $alphabet[$remainder].$shortenedId;
    return $shortenedId;

The code is taken from this Wikipedia article and adapted to php. My problem is that when I pass a multiple of 64 to the function I get a wrong (for my purpose) result, for instance 128 returns b which is not correct, it should have been aaa, but that's too long for a 3-digit number.

Also I'm starting to think that there's something wrong in this code, if I pass 1'000'000'000'000 as $id I get nItOq... I feel it's wrong because a url shortening service like returns a 6 number id if I use it, and I don't think that this algorithm is better than theirs.

So, two questions:

  • do you spot any bug in the above code?
  • how to manage 64-multiple ids? Do I have to just ignore them and pass to the next one?
+1  A: 

Just a couple of little tweaks needed, the main two were to make the the alphabet zero indexed rather than one-indexed, and to subtract the remainder from the id before dividing

function shorten($id)
    $alphabet = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789_-';
    $shortenedId = '';
    while($id>0) {
        $remainder = $id % 64;
        $id = ($id-$remainder) / 64;     
        $shortenedId = $alphabet{$remainder} . $shortenedId;
    return $shortenedId;

and here's a further modified version which... well I just like

function shorten($id, $alphabet='0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_-')
    $base = strlen($alphabet);
    $short = '';
    while($id) {
        $id = ($id-($r=$id%$base))/$base;     
        $short = $alphabet{$r} . $short;
    return $short;

EDIT: sorted concatenation to be the same as the OPs

Is doing this `$shortenedId .= $alphabet{$remainder};` the same as doing `$shortenedId = $alphabet[$remainder].$shortenedId;`? In the second I'm sure that the new digit is appended *before*, is this also the case for the code you've written?
Alberto Zaccagni
@Montecristo $shortenedId .= $alphabet{$remainder}; is the same thing as $shortenedId = $shortenedId . $alphabet{$remainder};
Richard Knop
@Richard Knop: Ok, thanks
Alberto Zaccagni
@Richard Knop, @Montecristo : thanks for the catch I've edited the functions to concatenate as per the original
Thank you, now it works fine :)
Alberto Zaccagni
+1  A: 
Richard Knop
Thanks for posting this, yes I did find it, though I failed at understanding it... so I used another approach, I dislike having code I don't understand in my projects. :D
Alberto Zaccagni