hi all, i'm trying to implement a little app which basically only hs a label, textbox and a button and when the user enters a word, i want to connect to some online api to retrieve the word's definition and display it in the label. is this possible? all i keep finding is api's related to other stuff on google/other se's. but i have seen this in practice before so i know they are out there, i just don't know where.
If you search more probably you will find, but let me give you a hint:
You can make a http web request to any website who handles word definitions. You can even search for "define: " + word
in google and get the response.
2009-11-20 19:56:20
can this httpwebrequest be done in Jscript? or JavaScript?
2009-11-20 20:00:23
I suggest you try WordNet. It has got an API that you can use over the web.
Check it out here: http://wordnet.princeton.edu/wordnet/related-projects/#web
2009-11-20 19:59:26