



I'm using str_ireplace() to remove instances of strings in an array, and I'm returning the number of counted occurances, but it's not actually performing the replace.

//replace occurances of insert, update, delete, select
$dmlArray = array('select', 'update', 'delete', 'insert');

str_ireplace($dmlArray,'-- replaced DML -- ',$clean['comment'],$Incount);

Where $clean['comment'] would be the $_POST array.

For example, $clean['comment'] = "SELECT, insert, UPDATE, DEleTe";

The final string should be "-- replaced DML -- ,-- replaced DML -- ,-- replaced DML -- ,-- replaced DML -- ";

Yet it's not.

+1  A: 

I've run your code and it works as expected.

echo str_ireplace(
    array('select', 'update', 'delete', 'insert'),
    '-- replaced DML -- ',
    'SELECT, insert, UPDATE, DEleTe',

The above will output

-- replaced DML -- , -- replaced DML -- , -- replaced DML -- , -- replaced DML --

Just keep in mind that the input string is not passed in by reference, so you have to use the return value to get the string with the values replaced.

+3  A: 

Function str_ireplace doesn't change its arguments. It returns the result. Here is fix for your code:

$clean['comment'] = str_ireplace($dmlArray, '-- replaced -- ', $clean['comment'], $Incount);
Ivan Nevostruev
I knew I was forgetting something simple, thanks!
Michael Stone