I'm using sIFR 2.0.6 with the sifr.js file from 2.0.7 to resolve this issue: http://novemberborn.net/sifr/2.0.7.
In all browsers, before overwriting the sifr.js file, the sIFR displayed with initial caps. With the new sifr.js file in place, the text is all uppercased.
This is the only code I am customizing:
if(typeof sIFR == "function"){ sIFR(); sIFR.replaceElement(".sifr-container", named({sFlashSrc: "frutiger.swf", sColor: "#042e66", sCase: "lower", sWmode: "transparent", background-color: "transparent"})); };
sCase doesn't appear to be doing the trick. How else can I control the uppercasing?
- Veda