I have some video files all ending in .wmv .mov .mpg. I have music files ending in .mp3 .wma. And finally I have some text files all end in the extension .txt
I wrote a shell script that generates subfolders, one for the music files, one for the video files, and one for the text files, and then organizes all of the files into the correct subfolders. But I ran into a little problem ...
*** I would like the script to be interactive and to prompt the user if he/she wants to organize the files. Also, I would like the script to write a log file that contains, for each file, the original file name, as well as the new file path/name it was moved to. And I would like the script to accept a command line argument, which is the folder that contains the unorganized files. This should allow the script to be located and run from anywhere in the file system, and accept any folder of unorganized files.
organizefiles.sh mystuff/media
where the subfolders would go inside "media"
Any ideas on how to do that? Thank you!