Hey guys,
I'm trying to create an accordion menu off of an online tutorial. I followed every step (i think) on Original Tutorial but changed things according to my size, as well as make the instance names end with _mc or _txt accordingly. But for some reason it doesn't seem to be working.
I'm getting the #1010 error and it doesn't really clarify anything:
TypeError: Error #1010: A term is undefined and has no properties.
at tutorial_
at tutorial_
at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEventFunction()
at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEvent()
at flash.net::URLLoader/onComplete()
I have my first xml file that has all the images to insert and that one hasn't been changed at all should work fine.
I know this is long, but I'm hoping someone can check it out anyhow. I'm extremely new to this and would pretty much have to abandon the whole project. Thanks so much!
my code:
//import tweenlite classes
import gs.TweenLite;
import gs.easing.*;
var MENU_ARRAY:Array; //used to save the items data
var OPENED_MENU:int; //to inform the menu that should be open at startup
var MOVE_ON_MOUSE_OVER:Boolean=false; //tha name says everything
var xmlLoader:URLLoader; //the xml loader
loadXML("menu2.xml"); //load the xml
function loadXML(Uri:String):void {
xmlLoader = new URLLoader();
xmlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onComplete);
xmlLoader.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onError);
xmlLoader.load(new URLRequest(Uri));
function onError(evt:ErrorEvent):void {
trace("cannot load xml file");
function onComplete(evt:Event):void {
//read and load xml into array, by parsing it using prepareMenu
placeItemsOnStage(); //place all required items on stage.
function placeItemsOnStage():void {
var pos:Number=0;
//define the container properties
for(var c:int=0; c<MENU_ARRAY.length; c++) {
var it:menuItem = new menuItem; //load out menuItem, because its exported to AS, we can use it here
it.x=c*51; //its the gray border width
it.y=0; //place on top
it.id="Item-"+c; //id the menuItem
it.name="Item-"+c; //name de menuItem
it.posX=pos; //actual pos, useful to open and know is position
it.itemLabel_txt.text=String(MENU_ARRAY[c].Ititle).toUpperCase(); //load the label in uppercase
it.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onMouseClick); //add mouse click listener
if(MOVE_ON_MOUSE_OVER==true) it.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onMouseOver); //if configured, load the mouse over event
it.useHandCursor=true; //use hand cursor
it.buttonMode=true; //buttonMode
it.itemText_txt.visible=false; //hide the textField
menuContainer_mc.addChild(it); //add the menu item as child
if(String(MENU_ARRAY[c].IcontentType)=="image/swf") { //check the content and load things accordint to it
var ldr:Loader = new Loader();
ldr.load(new URLRequest(MENU_ARRAY[c].IcontentData.toString()));
else if(String(MENU_ARRAY[c].IcontentType)=="text") {
pos+=51; //the next menuItem x position
//put mask in place
moveItem(OPENED_MENU-1); //open menu confirured in XML
function onMouseOver(evt:MouseEvent):void {
if(evt.target.name.toString()=="buttonBack") prepareMove(evt)
function prepareMove(evt:MouseEvent):void {
var targetName:String = evt.currentTarget.name.toString(); //get the menuItem
var temp:Array = targetName.split("-"); //split his name: Item-x
var itemNumber:int=(temp[1]); //got item number
moveItem(itemNumber); //move it
function onMouseClick(evt:MouseEvent):void {
if(evt.target.name.toString()=="buttonBack") prepareMove(evt); //mouse action was done in buttonBack
else trace("Item "+evt.currentTarget.name+" clicked!"); //mouse action was made on accordion area
function moveItem(num:int):void {
var itemToMove:menuItem=menuContainer_mc.getChildByName("Item-"+String(num)) as menuItem;
//get the menuItem child
for(var m=0;m<MENU_ARRAY.length;m++) //move one-by-one to the new position
var tempMc = menuContainer_mc.getChildByName("Item-"+m);
if(tempMc.x > itemToMove.x) TweenLite.to(tempMc, 1, {x:((tempMc.posX) + itemToMove.width-51), ease:Quart.easeOut}); //see tweenLite for info about this.
else if(tempMc.x <= itemToMove.x) TweenLite.to(tempMc, 1, {x:(tempMc.posX), ease:Quart.easeOut});
function prepareMenu (XMLData:String):Array
//make sure it cames in XML
var menuXML:XML = new XML(XMLData);
//just in case
menuXML.ignoreWhitespace = true;
//get XML item's entrys
var XMLItems = menuXML.descendants("item");
//load all items into an array
var itemsArray:Array = new Array();
var itemObj:Object;
for(var i in XMLItems)
itemObj=new Object();
OPENED_MENU=menuXML.@menuOpen; //get menu for open.
MOVE_ON_MOUSE_OVER=([email protected]()=="true" ? true : false); //get the option for load or not mouseOver open
return itemsArray;