I have product that the product serial number equals product series, chip, model, manufacture, software, etc. Each of these has its own table with all the information I need in it.
Each product serial number is 8 characters long. i.e. 1B43A672, 18GH8843. The second value determines how to map the serial number to which table. i.e. If the second value is B then that is a Intel Atom 1.6 and its mapped like this: Position_1 == @series; Position_2 == @processor; Position_3 == @model
But if second value is 8 then its mapped like this: Position_1 == @manufacture;Position_2 == @processor; Position_3 == @software
If I have a user input text field (like a search), how can I get it to extract each value in each position so I can call a function that performs the mapping?