I've had this model which was working fine:
class Weight < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
validates_presence_of :weight, :measured_on
attr_accessible :weight, :measured_on
def after_initialize
self.measured_on ||= Date.today
I added it this line
validates_uniqueness_of :measured_on, :scope => :user_id
and it started throwing an error on validation. Not a validation error but a Ruby error:
>> w.valid?
ActiveRecord::MissingAttributeError: missing attribute: measured_on
from /Users/pupeno/Projects/sano/app/models/weight.rb:8:in `after_initialize'
I've put a debugger statement in after_initialize and I've noticed something unexpected. When I create a new weight it works as expected and the self object on after_initialize is the expected weight:
>> w = Weight.new
self.measured_on ||= Date.today
(rdb:1) p self
#<Weight id: nil, user_id: nil, weight: nil, measured_on: nil, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil>
(rdb:1) c
=> #<Weight id: nil, user_id: nil, weight: nil, measured_on: "2009-11-22", created_at: nil, updated_at: nil>
When I run w.valid? it gets weird. after_initialize is called again, I'm not sure why, and the self object is nothing I expected:
>> w.valid?
self.measured_on ||= Date.today
(rdb:1) p self
#<Weight id: 1>
(rdb:1) p self.inspect
"#<Weight id: 1>"
(rdb:1) p self.class
Weight(id: integer, user_id: integer, weight: float, measured_on: date, created_at: datetime, updated_at: datetime)
(rdb:1) p self.measured_on
ActiveRecord::MissingAttributeError Exception: missing attribute: measured_on
It seems like another Weight object was created without any attributes but the id set. Any ideas why? Is this a bug or the expected behavior? Am I doing something wrong by setting the measured_on on after_initialize?
My current workaround, in case anybody is having the same problem, is
class Weight < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
validates_presence_of :weight, :measured_on
validates_uniqueness_of :measured_on, :scope => :user_id
attr_accessible :weight, :measured_on
def after_initialize
if self.has_attribute? :measured_on
self.measured_on ||= Date.today
but I'd like to have a proper solution.