Ok, so we have the following requirements so far
- Let the user download in his/her session only
- no copy & paste the link to somebody else
- Users have to download from the site, e.g. no hotlinking
- Control speed
Let's see. This is not working code, but it should work along these lines:
<?php // download.php
session_start(); // start or resume a session
// always sanitize user input
$fileId = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'fileId', FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT);
$token = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'token', FILTER_UNSAFE_RAW);
// mush session_id and fileId into an access token
$secret = 'i can haz salt?';
$expectedToken = md5($secret . session_id() . $fileId);
// check if request came from download.php and has the valid access token
if(($expectedToken === $token) && ($referer === $script)) {
$file = realpath('path/to/files/' . $fileId . '.zip');
if(is_readable($file)) {
session_destroy(); // optional
header(/* stuff */);
// if no file was sent, send the page with the download link.
<html ...
<?php printf('a href="/download.php?fileId=%s&token=%s',
$fileId, $expectedToken); ?>
And that's it. No database required. This should cover requirements 1-3. You cannot control speed with PHP, but if you dont destroy the session after sending a file you could write a counter to the session and limit the number of files the user will be sent during a session.
I wholeheartedly agree that this could be solved much more elegantly than with this monkeyform hack, but as proof-of-concept, it should be sufficient.