After reading this, it sounds like a great idea to store files using the SHA-1 for the directory.
I have no idea what this means however, all I know is that SHA-1 and MD5 are hashing algorithms. If I calculate the SHA-1 hash using this ruby script, and I change the file's content (which changes the hash), how do I know where the file is stored then?
My question is then, what are the basics of implementing a SHA-1/file-storage system?
If all of the files are changing content all the time, is there a better solution for storing them, or do you just have to keep updating the hash?
I'm just thinking about how to create a generic file storing system like GoogleDocs, Flickr, Youtube, DropBox, etc., something that you could reuse in different environments (such as storing PubMed journal articles or Cramster homework assignments and tests, or just images like on Flickr). I'd probably store them on Amazon EC2. Just some system so I can say "this is how I'll 99% of the time do file storing from now on", so I can stop thinking about building a solid/consistent way to store files and get onto some real problems.