In Listview i can change the divider image using "android:divider=image" but i want to display different divider images for different items how can i do that ?
Why not have no divider images and make the divider part of the View for each item?
For example, at the top of the view you have a label and an icon and at the bottom you have your divider image.
Dave Webb
2009-11-22 19:19:30
I am using custom Listview contains complicated view actually i need divider but in few items i want to replace divider with special divider lines.
Faisal khan
2009-11-22 19:22:21
AFAIK there is no means to have different dividers in different locations in a single list. Either follow Mr. Webb's recommendation (i.e., put the "dividers" in the list items), or keep a consistent divider, or perhaps subclass/reimplement ListView
to provide the functionality you seek.
2009-11-22 20:01:54