There's a dearth of info in the supporting PDFs and on the web. I happened to come across a post in a blog that mentioned that $.write() or $.writeln() will write a string to the javascript console. Quite useful. Does anyone know if this $ object has any additional properties or methods?
I just answered my own question. JavaScript Tools Guide CS4.pdf. Chapter 8 ExtendScript Tools and Features has all I need. Just getting started with Adobe scripting and I'm a bit overwhelmed with the huge array of elements in a CS4 install.
2009-11-23 03:12:13
Bits of Photoshop are implemented in ExtendScript. If you look in the folder
[apps folder]/Adobe Photoshop CS4/Presets/Scripts/
You'll find several scripts that may be useful as sample code.
J. Peterson
2010-03-18 23:52:02