You can very well build stuff concurrently with autotools. You just need to avoid doing recursive make for the stuff you want to build in parallel. The basic idea is to have a
SUBDIRS = sub1 sub2 .
include here1/Makefile-files
include here2/Makefile-files
and here1/Makefile-files
bin_PROGRAMS += here1
here1_SOURCES = here1/src1.c here1/src2.c here1/src3.c
libhere1_la_SOURCES = here1/lib1.c here1/lib2.c
Then the stuff in the subdirectories sub1/
and sub2/
will be built separately from the current directory and before it (even though the respective builds might do stuff in parallel with the same trick!), and then the current directory will start building the stuff in the current dir's
and here[12]/Makefile-files
in parallel.
E.g. libgphoto2
use that mechanism to build 50+ camera drivers in parallel after a few prerequesites have been built. This significantly speeds up the total build time.
OK, the configure
script itself will not be sped up by this, but at least this will still do cross-compiling (unlike some of the alternative build systems). (You are listing portable as one of your requirements, and that often implies cross-compilation.)