



In our web-app we use PHP5.2.6 + PDO to connect to a SQL Server 2005 database and store Russian texts.

Database collation is Cyrillic_General_CI_AS, table collation is Cyrillic_General_CI_AS, column type is NVARCHAR(MAX).

We tried connecting to a database using two following schemes, both causing different problems.

  1. PDO mssql:

    $dbh = new PDO ('mssql:host='.$mssql_server.';dbname='.$mssql_db, $mssql_login, $mssql_pwd);

    in which case a result of a simple query like that:

    SELECT field1 FROM tbl1 WHERE id=1

    shows field1 data truncated to 255 bytes.

  2. PDO odbc:

    $dbh = new PDO ('odbc:DSN=myDSN;UID='.$mssql_login.';PWD='.$mssql_pwd);

    in which case a result of the same query shows full not truncated data but with question marks instead of Russian symbols.


  • In the SQL Management Studio data is not truncated and Russian symbols are displayed properly as well.
  • We have Windows 2003 Enterprise Edition SP2

So what should we choose as a connection method and how to fix corresponding issues?


I've always had the best luck using utf8_general_ci across the board - for connections, collations - everything.

However, I only have that experience with MySQL and PostgreSql - not with SQL Server.

As to your DSN question - I'm not sure.

Good Luck!

Peter Bailey
Thanks for your reply, but the problem is definetely in PHP/PDO - because when we connect to the same database in .NET, everything works fine.
Vitaly Sharovatov
+2  A: 

Try executing SET NAMES "charset" after you connect.

I don't know what the charset to match Cyrillic_General_CI_AS is, but try "Cyrillic"?


If you are not set on PDO, use FreeTDS - aka procedural mssql_* calls. This is one of the recommended work arounds until PDO is fixed. Since PHP 5.1.2, FreeTDS has a mssql.charset-option.


I noticed the same problem too, with an implementation of SQL server 2005 and PHP 5.x using PDO. When I changed nvarchar(MAX) field to nvarchar(255) the odd question mark characters stopped appearing. I definitely believe it has to do with the ODBC drivers in PDO and MS SQL server. When you implicitly specify the max characters in your varchar, it solves the problem.


I had to do this to get usable data from my NVARCHAR fields in MSSQL:

$_ = iconv('Windows-1252', 'UTF-8', $_);
Liam Morland