



In Python, the defaultdict class provides a convenient way to create a mapping from key -> [list of values], in the following example,

from collections import defaultdict
d = defaultdict(list)
# d is now {1: [2, 3]}

Is there an equivalent to this in Java?

Why I chose Tendayi Mawushe's solution

This solution is good because it more faithfully renders the idea of defaultdict. However, you're not quite recovering the Pythonic expressiveness -- defaultdict is actually taking a function, not a class (below). On the other hand, that would probably make the Java code using it more verbose

> python
>>> def f(): return x
>>> x = 3
>>> from collections import defaultdict
>>> y = defaultdict(f)
>>> y[2]

Sorry for the latency accepting this, and thanks to Luno and dfa for their helpful answers as well.

postscript -- if only Scala compiled faster, I would use it instead...

+4  A: 

You can use multimap from apache-collections

Mark Byers
+5  A: 

in addition to apache collections, check also google collections:

A collection similar to a Map, but which may associate multiple values with a single key. If you call put(K, V) twice, with the same key but different values, the multimap contains mappings from the key to both values.


Using just the Java runtime library you could use a HashMap and add an ArrayList to hold your values when the key does not exist yet or add the value to the list when the key does exist.

+6  A: 

There is nothing that gives the behaviour of default dict out of the box. However creating your own default dict in Java would not be that difficult.

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;

public class DefaultDict<K, V> extends HashMap<K, V> {

    Class<V> klass;
    public DefaultDict(Class klass) {
        this.klass = klass;    

    public V get(Object key) {
        V returnValue = super.get(key);
        if (returnValue == null) {
            try {
                returnValue = klass.newInstance();
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new RuntimeException(e);
            this.put((K) key, returnValue);
        return returnValue;

This class could be used like below:

public static void main(String[] args) {
    DefaultDict<Integer, List<Integer>> dict =
        new DefaultDict<Integer, List<Integer>>(ArrayList.class);

This code would print: {1=[2, 3]}

Tendayi Mawushe