I work for a small web design company, and learned everything I know on the job (my degree is in chemistry!). The other coder here taught me a fair bit of php, and I've had to pick up MySQL and a bit of javascript. I've also increased my knowledge of CSS. (HTML itself I already knew, really, along with a little CSS.)
Now, I am the sort of person who actually enjoys reading manuals (it's better than working). I've spent a reasonable amount of time buried in RFCs and in W3C standards. And I bought myself an excellent book on CSS. But the problem is that my knowledge is not structured at all. I have no formal training. The other coder has left the company and I'm here on my own till we employ someone else. I'm the only person in the company who understands php or javascript at all. And I'm trying to debug some AJAX that isn't working properly and having my lack of knowledge borne home to me.
So, I want structured courses in php and javascript. Recommendations, please? Preferably internet-based. (I live in Ireland.)
And, more interestingly, I want to learn some other languages. Even if I never use them in work, they'd be interesting, and I believe that knowing a few languages can be very good for you.
Immediate need: a free source of good javascript/AJAX tutorials.
Next: recommendations for web-based classes in php and javascript, preferably with a qualification at the end.
And finally: ideas for interesting languages to learn afterwards.