



Hi chaps,

I'm trying to make a simple Dialog - no title just the word 'Close' and the X in the top right hand corner. My text etc. will then go underneath.

However I fiddle with it I can't ever get the closeText attribute to display - I can see it in FireBug but it either doesn't appear, or a couple of characters appear under the X graphic.

I'm not very good with CSS to a cut and paste example would be very helpful.


Duncan Spence


It sounds like you have not included the necessary jQuery UI CSS files, or there are some paths set incorrectly. Take a look at a working example using firebug and check to make sure all of the required files are being downloaded properly and that your paths are correct.

Thanks, can you point me at a working example - I can't find a tutorial or a site that appears to use the closeText property.
Check out jitter's example. He's got your answer for you dead-on :)
+2  A: 

Actually the problem is the jQuery UI CSS and jQuery Dialog itself.

The jQuery UI Dialog does the following with whatever you pass in as closeText.

  • it creates a <span></span> which contains your closeText
  • sets the styles ui-icon and ui-icon-closethick' on it

The span is actually always created, no matter if you pass in closeText or not. It is used to display the x-closing-image.

Now looking into the default jQuery UI CSS we find for ui-icon

text-indent: -99999px;
width: 16px;
height: 16px;

Thus jQuery sets the text but the browser will never show it (text-indent: -99999px) and region too small for any text.

So what I did is

//open dialog
$("#dialog").dialog({ closeText: 'Close me' });

//get the automagically created div which represents the dialog
//then get the span which has `ui-icon-closethick` class set (== contains closeText)
var closeSpan = $("div[role='dialog'] span.ui-icon-closethick");

//prepend a span with closeText to the closing-image
    '<span style="float:right;margin-right:25px">'+

Check this for a working example

This looks like exactly what I need, thanks very much.
Then consider accepting my answer when you evaluated if it works for you

Jitter nailed it, perfect, other solutions only provide a means to hide the 'X', but not actually set the text (I was wondering why closeText attrib was not doing anything)


MVC You Know Me

this thread is a bit old... found via Google while searching for a solution to this problem.

like jitter explained, the problem is in how jQuery UI CSS handles the closeText option.

this from from jQueryUI @

(closeText) Specifies the text for the close button. Note that the close text is visibly hidden when using a standard theme.

What I did is the following:

// added a class to the dialog

// jQuery UI CSS sets span.ui-icon to
// .ui-icon {display: block; text-indent:-99999px; overflow: hidden; background-repeat: no-repeat; }
// and .ui-icon { width: 16px; height:16px; background-image: url(....); }
// so unset default settings using the added class as selector:
$('div.myclass span.ui-icon').css({'display': 'inline', 'width': '100%', 'height':'100%', 'text-indent': 0,'overflow': 'visible'});

// now get the width of span.ui-icon
var uiIconSpanWidth = $('div.myclass span.ui-icon').width();

// calculate negative 'text-indent'
var offset = 5; // set offset
var textIndent = -(uiIconSpanWidth + offset);
textIndent = textIndent + 'px'; 

// reset css using textIndent as the value for the text-indent property
// (.. added 'line-height' and set its value to match the 'height' property so that the text is aligned in the middle..):
$('div.myclass span.ui-icon').css({'display': 'block', 'width': '16px', 'height': '16px', 'text-indent': textIndent, 'line-height': '16px',});

worked for me. hope this helps

