



I'm working on a project on Eclipse, more specific RAD build. The EAR file exported is around 40 mb, last week it was taking 1 minute, today its taking more than 10 minutes. I didnt change much code, nor changed any config related to the JVM.

I export directly from RAD, right click on the project and export EAR.

So whats going wrong?

+3  A: 


Clearly something is different. What could it be?

  1. Your app: Could you now have lots more little graphics files or some such?
  2. Your app: could you be referencing some external resource eg. XSDs from somewhere remote, is it generating code at this point with some such reference?
  3. Environment: Disk drive. Are you exporting to some nearly full disk? Or a network drive that's suddenly really slow, or somehow a revision control system is trying to adopt what you are exporting.
  4. Environment: Memory. I've seen Eclipse get stupidly slow when paging is happening. Could you just have increased your memory usage a tad or now be running something new in the background?

As none of those apply (you really sure?) then I would do this:

  • take the app to another workspace
  • take the app to another machine
  • Break the app down to pieces, binary chop until you find what the expensive bit
good ideas, but actually none of them apply here.
i tried your second group of suggestions, actually its faster on my mate computer. So now i think it has nothing to do with Eclipse, might be n antivirus or a harddisk problem, will dig further.
LOL - love the hubris of the first comment...

The problem is fixed, im not sure which of these fixed it, but one of them did:

  • The output folder was shared on the network, stopped the sharing
  • Defragmented the disk
  • Emptied the Recycle Bin (it had almost 5 GB)

I made them all together, so i not sure which solved the problem, but i suspect one of the first two. It was a an OS problem, nothing to do with Eclipse.

In such cases, i recommend to stop sharing the folder when building/deploying and defragment.