



I'd like to create a PHP image generator that takes several query string parameters and generates an image on the fly. I've done this before in ASP.NET via a handler but now I'd like to in PHP. For example, I'd like a call to image.php?img1=foo.jpg&img2=bar.jpg to render the concatenation of foo.jpg horizontally next to bar.jpg. Later on I'll do some mod_rewrite to make it something like foo_bar.jpg but that's not my concern. Are there any samples out there that do what I want or any code snippets to examine? This is actually more of a learning experience than a necessary step to build something.

Here's a sample application of it:


Would really be the graphic concatenation of 14.jpg + jan.jpg + 2010.jpg

And after mod_rewite it could be used like:


I can give you some sample code if it helps.

It's very simple (and doesn't do exactly what you want) but should be able to fulfill your needs with some minor hackery.

+1  A: 

The PHP GD library can certainly do this. You can work out how large the image needs to be, create a blank one and then use imagecopymerge() to copy the three images into it.

I'm still having trouble with it. I can't even take an image 1.jpg of size 10x10 and combine it with another image, 2.jpg of size 10x10 to make a new image of size 20x10! Do you have any specific code that actually does something as simple as that?
Mark Ursino

phpThumb (demo here) works something like that. Its open source so you can look at the source code as many times as you like.

I'm not sure about the concatenation function though. I think you'll have to create it on your own.

Salman A