By any chance is it possible to create a conditional association with DataMapper?
For example:
I want the User have n Apps just if that user have the attribute :developer => true
something like this:
class User
include DataMapper::Resource
property :id, Serial
property :name, String, :nullable => false
property :screen_name, String, :nullable => false, :unique => true
property :email, String, :nullable => false, :unique => true, :format => :email_address
property :password, BCryptHash, :nullable => false
property :developer, Boolean, :default => false
#The user just gets apps if developer
has n :apps #,:conditions => "developer = 't'"
class App
include DataMapper::Resource
property :id, Serial
property :name, String, :nullable => false
belongs_to :user
I know that this would be possible by creating a subclass from User as a Developer::User and in that class, use the has n
, but I really would like to know if its possible to make it directly on the association declaration.
Another way I also managed to do when using ARn was to extend the association and rewriting the methods for each action.
So on the extension module I could have something like this:
module PreventDeveloperActions
def new
if proxy_owner.developer?
raise NoMethodError, "Only Developers can create new applications"
# and so on for all the actions ...
But again, I really would like to avoid the use of this solutions if possible, but just if it's possible to perform a quick and direct method easily with DataMapper :)
Thanks in advance