When using the EncryptMessage (SChannel) from the win32 API with a valid context, I am supplying the four buffers in the correct order I get the SEC_E_INVALID_TOKEN response which according to the documentation is No SECBUFFER_DATA type buffer was found. I know that the set of pvBuffers should be allocated from contiguous memory for speed but for simplicity I have made it obvious what is what. Can anyone see what the problem could be?
Thanks, Bruce
The code is the following;
procedure TTCPSocket.SSPEncryptBuffer(SSPCtx: PCtxtHandle; InData: PAnsiChar; InDataLength: Cardinal);
SecStatus: TSecurityStatus;
SecBufDesc: TSecBufferDesc;
SecBufs: packed array [0 .. 3] of TSecBuffer;
SecBufs[0].cbBuffer := FSecPkgSizes.cbHeader;
SecBufs[0].pvBuffer := AllocMem(FSecPkgSizes.cbHeader);
SecBufs[1].BufferType := SECBUFFER_DATA;
SecBufs[1].cbBuffer := InDataLength;
SecBufs[1].pvBuffer := InData;
SecBufs[2].cbBuffer := FSecPkgSizes.cbTrailer;
SecBufs[2].pvBuffer := AllocMem(FSecPkgSizes.cbTrailer);
SecBufs[3].BufferType := SECBUFFER_EMPTY;
SecBufs[3].cbBuffer := 0;
SecBufs[3].pvBuffer := nil;
SecBufDesc.ulVersion := SECBUFFER_VERSION;
SecBufDesc.cBuffers := 4;
SecBufDesc.pBuffers := @SecBufs[0];
SecStatus := EncryptMessage(SSPCtx, 0, @SecBufDesc, 0);
if SecStatus <> SEC_E_OK then
// Error code..
I used STRACE injected into the executable and this line looks interesting;
12/07/2009 23:10:30:635 - SecBuffer #0 BufferType:0x00000007 cbBuffer:5
12/07/2009 23:10:30:636 - SecBuffer #1 BufferType:0x00000001 cbBuffer:13
12/07/2009 23:10:30:636 - SECBUFFER_DATA - 13 byte(s) / EncryptMessage - INPUT
00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f 0123456789abcdef
0000: 68 65 6c 6c 6f 20 77 6f 72 6c 64 21 00 hello world!.
12/07/2009 23:10:30:636 - SecBuffer #2 BufferType:0x00000006 cbBuffer:36
12/07/2009 23:10:30:636 - SecBuffer #3 BufferType:0x00000000 cbBuffer:0
12/07/2009 23:10:30:636 -
*** WARNING : EncryptMessage failed (80090308) ***
Which looks as though the OS is getting the correct information.
I have searched a bit and found that 80090308 usually means something wrong with the certificate in that the full name of the server should be in the subject, CN=www.foobar.com but this didn't fix the problem either, the certificate and CA are generated with OpenSSL.