
Getting ASN.1 Issuer strings from PEM files?

I recently came across an issue with Windows 2003 (apparently it also exists in other versions too), where if an SSL/TLS server is requesting client certificate authentication and it has more than 16KB of trusted certificate DNs, Internet Explorer (or any other app that uses schannel.dll) is unable to complete the SSL handshake. (In a nu...


I'm working with SChannel at the moment for an async (IOCP) based server and I've got most things working fine but I'm having a problem with renegotiation. Specifically, when peer A sends peer B a request to renegotiate and peer B responds with an TLS1 'NO RENEGOTIATION' alert how does peer A continue? I seem to have an invalid context a...

SSL Session reuse with SChannel (Windows)

Hello I have a program that use schannel.dll to make a SSL connection to remote server. But I'd like to disconnect from server often and reconnect without the need to renegotiate shared key again. I know that SSL support this, but don't know how to make it with SChannel. Can you help me? Here are some links that can help: Creating a ...

EncryptMessage returns SEC_E_INVALID_TOKEN

Hi When using the EncryptMessage (SChannel) from the win32 API with a valid context, I am supplying the four buffers in the correct order I get the SEC_E_INVALID_TOKEN response which according to the documentation is No SECBUFFER_DATA type buffer was found. I know that the set of pvBuffers should be allocated from contiguous memory for ...

Can I get a SOCKET using SChannel?

I'd like to use SChannel or some other Microsoft API to support TLS for my TCP/IP application. Ideally what I'd like to do is use SChannel to create a kind of TLS tunnel within my app so I can pass off a SOCKET handle to another library. Is this something SChannel can do for me or do I have to implement the tunnel myself? ...

TransmitFile + SChannel

I'm using the TransmitFile API with I/O completion ports for an efficient multithreaded file server on Windows. This all works fine, but I've now also implemented secure sockets using SChannel. Because TransmitFile streams the file directly to the socket, I don't see a way to call EncryptMessage - will I need to read the file in chunks,...