



I want to generate Email from my ruby application, So i used Action mail class for that.

I configured the Email setting on environment.rb my configuration is as follows

ActionMailer::Base.raise_delivery_errors = false
ActionMailer::Base.delivery_method = :smtp
ActionMailer::Base.smtp_settings = {
    :address => "",
    :port => 2525,
    :user_name => "*******",
    :password => "*******",
    :authentication => :login

My mailer model is TestMailer,so i decided to check the mail operation so define method on TestMailer.rb.

def  test_mail(to) {
    subject "My first email!"
    recipients "#{to}"
    from 'test'
    charset "utf-8"
    content_type 'text/html'
    body "Testing one two three..."

I opened the ruby Script/console and called the test_mail method by TestMailer.deliver_test_mail("[email protected]").

It is not generating the email. In the application server log its generates the email template.
I have no clue whats is the probs here .

+1  A: 

You should check config/environments/development.rb | test.rb | production.rb (depending on how you launched you console)

And verify if it does not overrides the smtp setting you have in environment.rb

Aurélien Bottazzini

If you ran this:

ruby script/console

... then you're in development mode, which probably has "perform_deliveries = false" or some other setting for delivery_method

Instead, run the console in production mode:

ruby script/console production

... or change config/environments/development.rb to "perform_deliveries = true".

Note this comment from environment.rb:

# Settings in config/environments/* take precedence over those specified here.

So, if something is defined in both places, it'll be overridden by the environment specific setting!
