



Hi All,

Can someone recommend a load testing tool which allows you to either -

a) replay an IIS (7) log(s) to simulate a real live site daily run.

b) import a CSV or equivalent list of URLS so we can achieve a similar thing as above but at a URL level.

NEW: c) A .net API so I can create simple tests easily from my list of URLS is also a good way to go.

I do not really want to record my tests.

I think I can do B) with WAPT but need to create an XML file manually, not too much grief, but wondering if any tools cover these scenarios out the box.

Thanks Matt


Visual Studio Test Edition would require some code to parse the file into a suitable test run.

It is a great load testing solution.

Thanks Nat, will try to get hold of it. Yep, a .net API to the load engine is also a good way to go for me, will add to question.
You could use LogParser to get the logs into .Net the webtest format for tests in Visual Studio is xml, so not completelty impossible to create.

Our load testing service lets you write a very simple script using JavaScript to pull data out of a CSV file and then fetch those URLs. For example, the following code would pluck 10 random URLs from the CSV file and fetch them as part of a single session:

var c = browserMob.openHttpClient();
var csv = browserMob.getCSV("urls.csv");


for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    browserMob.beginStep("Step 1");
    var url = csv.random().get("url");


The CSV file itself needs to be a normal CSV file with the first row containing a header named "url". This script would be run repeatedly for each virtual user participating in a load test.

Patrick Lightbody
Patrick, this looks great! but does this only run on internet sites? i.e. can I run it on my local dev machine?
Currently your website must be externally available (or inside the Amazon cloud). We are working on a behind-the-firewall solution, but it's not quite ready yet.
Patrick Lightbody
Hi Patrick, thanks, please post if you do have an update, I will look at other avenues for now.