Connect to a linked table with code I have some linked tables from a SQL-server; they are linked with an ODBC connection. The password is not saved with the connection. When I am double clicking on the table in Access table-view I get a prompt for username and password. After entering the password I can view the data in the table.
My problem is when I try to access the table with code before having opened it in this way. What I try to do is to use ADODB to open a recordset with data from the linked table, like:
Dim rst as new ADODB.Recordset
Dim sql as string
Sql = “SELECT * FROM LinkedTable”
rst.Open sql, CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly
Running this code without having access the table before will generate this error: Error# -2147467259, ODBC: connection to dns-name failed.
So, my question is, are there any way to connect to the database with code that can be run when the database is opened? This would also help the users as they would not have to remember a password to the SQL-server.