



hello. I have 4 radio buttons that correspond to 4 different divs. i want to fadeOut the current div and then fadIn the new selected one. right now its working but just fades between images.

Also is there a way to change the divs based on the radio's class and not value?

Code I currently have:

<input type="radio" name="myRadio" class="myDiv_1" value="myDiv_1" />Image1<br />
<input type="radio" name="myRadio" class="myDiv_2" value="myDiv_2" />Image2<br />
<input type="radio" name="myRadio" class="myDiv_3" value="myDiv_3" />Image3<br />

<div id="myDiv_1" class="shade" style="display:block;"><img>TEXT BELOW IMAGE</div>
<div id="myDiv_2" class="shade" style="display:block;"><img>TEXT BELOW IMAGE</div>
<div id="myDiv_3" class="shade" style="display:block;"><img>TEXT BELOW IMAGE</div>

<script type="text/javascript">
    $('input[name="myRadio"]').click(function() {
        var selected = $(this).val();
        $('#' + selected).fadeIn("slow");
+1  A: 

Just replace

var selected = $(this).val();


var selected = $(this).attr("class");

And the div faded in depends on the class attribute of the input.

Additionally I suggest using this (which should be faster)


instead of


Yes, you can get the class of the object using jQuerys attr method:

var selected = $(this).attr("class");
Chris Pebble
+2  A: 

"i want to fadeOut the current div and then fadIn the new selected one"

Use fadeOut() callback function:

$(".shade").fadeOut("slow", function() {
    $('#' + selected).fadeIn("slow");
a callback doesnt work. when a radio button is clicked, it fades to the new div, but then the newly selected div fades out then back in. it basically is fading to many times. i can link to an example if need be.
Ryan Ferreira