You are able to create custom admin actions, and using JavaScript or custom ModleForms you could easily create popup windows or alerts, or whatever you want to do. For example I have this in the admin for one of my apps:
def deactivate_selected(modeladmin, request, queryset):
rows_updated = queryset.update(active=0)
for obj in queryset:
if rows_updated == 1:
message_bit = '1 item was'
message_bit = '%s items were' % rows_updated
modeladmin.message_user(request, '%s successfully deactivated.' % message_bit)
deactivate_selected.short_description = "Deactivate selected items"
## add deactivates
This adds the option to "Deactive selected items" in the admin page.
It seems to me that it would be easy to make a custom action to "Update room for selected items" that would present a JavaScript prompt, take that input, and provide it to the custom action function to perform what you need to do.
More reading can be found on this here: Writing Django Admin Actions.