I'm using Checkstyle 4.4.2 with a RegExp checker module to detect when the file name in out java source headers do not match the file name of the class or interface in which they reside. This can happen when a developer copies a header from one class to another and does not modify the "File:" tag.
The regular expression use in the RexExp checker has been through many incarnations and (though it is possibly overkill at this point) looks like this:
File: (\w+)\.java\n(?:.*\n)*?(?:[\w|\s]*?(?: class | interface )\1)
The basic form of files I am checking (though greatly simplified) looks like this
* Copyright 2009
* ...
* File: Bar.java
* ...
package foo
import ..
* ...
public class Bar
The Problem:
When no match is found, (i.e. when a header containing "File: Bar.java" is copied into file Bat.java ) I receive a StackOverflowError on very long files (my test case is @1300 lines).
I have experimented with several visual regular expression testers and can see that in the non-matching case when the regex engine passes the line containing the class or interface name it starts searching again on the next line and does some backtracking which probably causes the StackOverflowError
The Question:
How to prevent the StackOverflowError by modifying the regular expression
Is there some way to modify my regular expression such that in the non-matching case (i.e. when a header containing "File: Bar.java" is copied into file Bat.java ) that the matching would stop once it examines the line containing the interface or class name and sees that "\1" does not match the first group.
Alternatively if that can be done, Is is possible minimize the searching and matching that takes place after it examines the line containing the interface or class thus minimizing processing and (hopefully) the StackOverflow error?