A week ago there was an interesting post on the PHP-Internals list:
I've been thinking for a while what we should do about PHP6 and its future, because right now it seems like there isn't much future in it.
I started getting worried about the future of PHP6 quite a while before that. Except for some publishers in need of cash who brought us some PHP6 books, the past couple of years the entire PHP6 scene was rather quiet. Some of the top features of PHP6 were backported to PHP 5.3, but the main feature, Unicode support was not, and its questionable whether it ever will be. I feel this is really not a feature that should be missing from any modern programming language.
How are you dealing with the PHP Unicode situation now, and how are you planning on dealing with it in the future?
What's the most efficient and future proof way to handle Unicode strings nowadays in PHP 5.3?