



Hi all,

I need to implement face recognition like in orkut album.

In my website when a user uploads a photo and checks the photo in album I need to implement the feature and place rectangles over the faces in photo like in orkut album like in this link.

Please help me to implement this.

Thanks in advance.

+2  A: 

You need to use OpenCV, or more specifically, a C# wrapper library for OpenCV.

I think you can implement some (very) basic face detection using OpenCVDotNet, although you should be aware that I don't think it's actively being developed. I just noticed I'm still on the list as a project committer, but I haven't done any work on it for a long time (if ever, can't remember why I got added in the first place).

You should probably go with Emgu CV, which is a much better C# wrapper for OpenCV. It is actively developed, and is compatible with OpenCV 2.0, and has a wider community surrounding it, and the documentation is good enough that you can easily get face detection working pretty quickly.
