



I have object, tree/model/hierarchy, whatever the correct term is. It consists of what could be characterized as a one-to-one mapping of the desired XML.

That is i have the following (in a non-standard UML sort of syntax)

class A {
    class B b[*]
    class C
    class D

class B {
    class C c[*]
    string AttributeFoo = "bar"

class C {
    string AttributeThis = "is"

class D {
    string AttributeName = "d"

Desired output is something like this:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <b attribute-foo="bar">
     <c attribute-this="is"/>
    <c attribute-this="is"/>
    <d attribute-name="d"/>

What would you propose to be the best, and/or the simplest way of achieving this goal?

+3  A: 

The simplest way is to use XStream. See here for an idea what it does. It can be a bit buggy, but for simple tasks its great. For a more comprehensive (and reliable) technology, then JAXB (part of Java6, see javax.xml.bind) is the better option.

How can this produce the type of attributes that I require?
Peter Lindqvist
See the section on "Attribute aliasing" on
Simple indeed, and it does work for this example, but it's really not a viable solution in the full context of my project. But nonetheless a good solution.
Peter Lindqvist
+2  A: 

If you want to use tools, have a look at jaxb. Marshalling/Unmarshalling is what your're doing here, it's a common problem with a lot of solutions available.

I think it's the best (not reinventing the wheel) and it's the simplest (I've done it manually and it's really no fun - object graphs can be cyclic...)

yes, reinventing is not a good thing, which is exactly why i ask.
Peter Lindqvist
+3  A: 

I think it is the purpose of JAXB ( to map Objects to/from XML

+1  A: 

I like XMLBeans.

+1  A: 

In my opinion if your not too bothered about performance I would stay away from Jaxb and take a look at some of the simpler frameworks. If performance is an issue I tend to favour jibx over jaxb for most situations.

In this situation I tend to use the simple project.

Just annotate your object model and away you go..... :-)

public class Example {

   private String text;

   private int index;

   public Example() {

   public Example(String text, int index) {
      this.text = text;
      this.index = index;

   public String getMessage() {
      return text;

   public int getId() {
      return index;
Interesting approach, but the logic of it doesn't appeal to me.
Peter Lindqvist
+3  A: 

I would look at JAXB because a) you get it in the standard library and b) it isn't that complicated. This code requires Java 6:

@XmlRootElement public static class A {
  public List<B> b = new ArrayList<B>();

public static class B {
  public List<C> c = new ArrayList<C>();
  @XmlAttribute(name = "attribute-foo") public String attributeFoo = "foo";

public static class C {
  @XmlAttribute(name = "attribute-this") public String attributeThis = "is";

public static void main(String[] args) {
  A a = new A();
  a.b.add(new B());
  a.b.get(0).c.add(new C());
  JAXB.marshal(a, System.out);
//TODO: getters/setters, error handling and so on


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
    <b attribute-foo="foo">
        <c attribute-this="is"/>
This looks promising indeed. I was under the impression that it was a lot harder than this to use JAXB.
Peter Lindqvist
This turned out to be a perfect match! Thanks for taking the time to illustrate the usage of it. As i said i thought it was a much bigger task than this.
Peter Lindqvist