



Possible Duplicate:
How to identiy whether a variable is a class or an object

I have a function which accepts 'things' which it calls.

def run_it(thingy):
    result = thingy(something)

However, I'd like run_it() to accept both classes and objects/functions, and if it is a class, instantiate it first:

def run_it(thingy):
    if it_is_a_class:
        instance = thingy(something)
        result = instance()
        result = thingy(something)

class Thingy1(object):
    def __init__(self, something):
        self.something = something
    def __call__(self):
        print self.something

class Thingy2(object):
    def __call__(self. something):
        print something

# First example, call with class:
result = run_it(Thingy1)

# Second example, call with object:
thingy = Thingy2()
result = run_it(thingy)

How do I implement it_is_a_class in the run_it() function?