



Is there any way of error handling in DTS packages. Here is the scenario, I have a dts package with some SQL tasks and Active-x script tasks. The SQL task will run the scripts to validate the data in a table and if the data is in correct, the script will raise error in the script making the task to fail. On failure of the SQL task the workflow will be pointed to an ActiveX scrip and here I want to get the all the error in the dts package and shold send the error details through email task.

The package will typically executed from batch file or SQL jobs or from Enterprise Manage.

Is there any solution for this. Your help will be much appreciated.


This is difficult to answer without more knowledge of the DTS file. Would you upload it somewhere so I can have a look?

Or print screen the display in Enterprise Mananger, and put it on

I have uploaded to the image. here is the link

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