When I run my tests using rake I see dots as the tests are progressing. What I want is the name of the test program before the dots. I am getting some warnings but am not sure which test is throwing the warning. Getting the test name will help me immensely.
You probably want
ruby test/test_name.rb --verbose
and to see other options for test/unit, you can run
ruby test/test_name.rb --help
Andrew Grimm
2009-11-26 22:21:08
I meant I am running a rake task and would like to see the name of test class before the dots.
2009-11-27 05:27:40
Hi, you should have a look at github.com/TwP/turn -- it produces colorized output, outputs PASS/FAIL per test method and, most importantly, it shows you the relevant failure/error right after it has occured, not "after all the dots".
The Readme at Github has all the relevant info.
2009-11-27 15:05:20