I am using VB6 SP6 This code has work correctly for years but I am now having a problem on a WIN7 to WIN7 network. It also works correctly on an XP to Win7 network.
Open file for random as ChannelNum LEN =90
'the file is on the other computer on the network
RecNum = (LOF(ChannelNum) \ 90) + 2
Put ChannelNum, RecNum, MyAcFile
'(MyAcFile is UDT that is less than 90 long)
.......... other code that does not reference file or RecNum - then
RecNum = (LOF(ChannelNum) \ 90) + 2
Put ChannelNum, RecNum, MyAcFile
Close ChannelNum
The second record overwrites the first.
We had a similar problem in the past with OpportunisticLocking so we turn that off at install - along with some other keys that cause errors in data in Windows networks.
However we have had no problems like this for years, so I think MS have some new "better" option that they think will "improve" networking.
Thanks for your help