Hi, What I'm want to accomplish is to build a hierarchical menu build on my custom sql sitemapprovider. Now when I just write down the structure using recursion it builds up correctly like this:
-- Item1
-- Item2
-- Item1
-- Item2
---- Sub1
---- Sub2
But what I would like to accomplish is that the childeren only show when I'm on the requested page. Lik this:
When I click on Main and go to the main page the structure must render like this
-- Item1
-- Item2
When I click on Item(of Main) and go to that page the structure renders like this
-- Item
---- Sub1
---- Sub2
-- Item2
As you can see the children are only shown when navigated to the request page. Like expanding a client tree navigation, but then server-side. (Like menu on left side) I'm using VB.NET and a recursive function to render the structure The code I'm currently using is this, but this just builds up the hierarchical structure of an unordered list and shows the child items of each node at the bottom of the list. Maybe someone knows how I could build this incremental menu so it shows the correct parent child relations when requesting a page.
Private _map As MySiteMapProvider = _
DirectCast(SiteMap.Providers("CustomSitemap"), MySiteMapProvider)
Private Function RenderNodes() As String
Dim currentNode As SiteMapNode = _map.CurrentNode
Dim rootNode As SiteMapNode = _map.RootNode
Dim nodeBuilder As New StringBuilder
Dim nodeStack As Stack(Of SiteMapNode) = New Stack(Of SiteMapNode)
'Find Parent nodes of current node
While Not currentNode.Equals(rootNode)
currentNode = currentNode.ParentNode
End While
'Iterate through stack and build child nodes recursive
For Each node As SiteMapNode In nodeStack
With nodeBuilder
.Append(RenderChildNodes(node, node.ChildNodes))
End With
Return nodeBuilder.ToString
End Function
Private Function RenderChildNodes(ByVal parent As SiteMapNode, ByVal coll As SiteMapNodeCollection) As String
Dim mapBuilder As New StringBuilder
For Each node As SiteMapNode In coll
mapBuilder.AppendFormat("<a href=""{0}"">{1}</a>", node.Url, node.Title)
If node.HasChildNodes _
And _map.CurrentNode.IsDescendantOf(parent) Then
mapBuilder.AppendFormat("<ul>{0}</ul>", RenderChildNodes(node, node.ChildNodes))
End If
Return mapBuilder.ToString
End Function