
Hierarchical table column in Java

Dear All, Is there any Java library that supports hierarchical column? For example (the first three row are columns) : 2008 | January | February | Week1 | Week2 | Week3 | Week 1 | Week2 | Week3 | 10 | 20 | 14 | 12 | 15 | 3 | Thanks ...

Use Linq to Query for terminal/Leaf nodes in Hierarchical Table/Composite pattern

I have a self-referencing table with an Id, CategoryName, and ParentId. It's a typical scenario of a hierarchy table of categories that can themselves be divided into categories that DB experts tell me is called the adjacency model. What I want is to use Linq to SQL to query for subcategories that themselves are related to no other sub...

SORTING Hierarchical Queries in SQL Server 2005

I have following issue: I have a table for maintaining the hierarchical data. I'd like to use CTE from SQL 2005. WITH tree (id, parentid, code, name) AS ( SELECT id, ofs.ParentID, ofs.code, ofs.name FROM OrganizationFeatures ofs WHERE ofs.ParentID IS NULL UNION ALL SELECT ofs.id, ofs.ParentID, ofs.code, ofs.name...

Why LDAP is not popular ?

We start to use LDAP and I wonder why LDAP is not that popular? I read that it has faster reads than database, however slower writes. EDIT: Its the first time i use LDAP and i have been programming in enterprise for sometime now. That is the reason why i thought its not popular, plus i never heard about it at school. ...

Indented hierarchical table structure

I am trying to create a hierarchical display of nested tables, where each sub level is indented further from the parent. I'm open to using table or div. The closest I've come is below. It looks mostly correct in IE (except that the borders on the right are mashed together). In Chrome the sub item border is extending beyond the parent on ...

Hierarchical Memory allocator library for C++

My application is mostly organised in layers so I found that something like the APR memory pools would be the best way. While reading on SO about C++ placement new posts here & here, and a more generic C allocation question I was thinking about hand-crafting a hierarchical pool allocator as suggested in one post, but in the pure NYI tra...

Convert hierarchical SQL data to HTML list in a single query...

Has anyone been successful doing this w/o php, asp, etc...? I can get this far: http://www.pastey.net/113859/20 but can't figure out a simple way to make it an HTML list... any help would be GREATLY appreciated. ...

.Net MVC Passing Nested Data from Controller to View

I am creating a .NET MVC application and I have a view in which I want to display the following: Category followed by a list of items for the current Category [possibly] followed by a list of sub items for the current item I could create a custom ViewModel class that sends 3 separate IEnumerable lists (categories, items, and sub item...

Advanced DataGrid Flex 3 - ItemRenderer and Tree display

Hi, I am using Advanced DataGrid of Flex 3 with hierarchical data. The itemRenderer is a TextInput which accepts numbers. When I enter data into the given field and click the corresponding expand tree icon for the row, I want the amount entered in tree node should get cascaded to its child rows. But I found the nature of advanced DataGr...

Hierarchical Grid

Hi, Please help me to create a Hierarchical grid...i wanted to a '+' button in first column of parent grid and on the click of that '+' button i wanted to show the child details... I wanted to do this in Visual Studio 2003. Thanks in advance ...

Hierarchical Structure Vs Flat Structure

What are the pros and cons of using hierarchical data structure over flat data structure (more like tagging systems in blogs) Ecommerce systems like ebay, yahoo shopping and yellow pages use product and service hierarchy trees to represent data but if one wants to create a open tagging based ecommerce system then what are the possible c...

Parent - Child sql query

id parent_id 1 0 2 0 3 2 4 0 5 1 6 0 I need a query that will return parent rows (parent_id=0) followed by its child rows: first parent all children of first parent second parent all children of second parent third parent fourth parent Expected result: ordered by id id parent_id -------------------------------------...

Sql question: Getting Parent rows followed by child rows

id parent_id 1 0 2 0 3 2 4 0 5 1 6 0 I need a query that will return parent rows (parent_id=0) followed by its child rows first parent all children of first parent second parent all children of second parent third parent fourth parent Expected result: ordered by id id parent_id 1 0 (first par...

What is the best way to group and aggregate and sum tree data?

Given a self referencing table Item ------------- Id (pk) ParentId (fk) With a related table of associated values ItemValue ------------- ItemId (fk) Amount And some sample data Item ItemValues Id ParentId ItemId Amount -------------------- ---------------------- 1 null ...

Convert flat data into a hierarchical python list

I have a data model from my database. This is a flat python list sorted by left values. > id name left right > 1 Beginning 1 6 > 2 FOO 2 5 > 3 BAR 3 4 > 4 Programming 6 13 > 5 Python 7 8 > 7 C# 9 12 > 8 XNA 10 11 > 6 About 14 15 I would like to compute this into a hierarchical python list,...

Hierarchical Menu using unordored list

Hi, What I'm want to accomplish is to build a hierarchical menu build on my custom sql sitemapprovider. Now when I just write down the structure using recursion it builds up correctly like this: Main -- Item1 -- Item2 Second -- Item1 -- Item2 ---- Sub1 ---- Sub2 Third But what I would like to accomplish is that the childeren only...

sharding a database with hierarchical data structure

I am using MySQL to store my parent-child relation. The data is concentrated in one table and it is really elegant by design. I do not have any problem quering; however the table has grown in size dramatically. I would like to shard or use some techniques to improve the performance of my queries (and joins). How would I do it? Any poin...

IQueryable into a hierarchy

I currently have an IQueryable of Questions. In my Question object I have and "id" and a "parentId" which can be used to create a hierarchy. Currently, I bind a RadTreeView to the IQueryable of Questions and the RadTreeView takes care of creating the hierarchy because I define the dataId and dataParentId for the TreeView in the markup....

Hierarchical animations in DirectX and handling seperate animations on the same mesh?

I have a hierarchical animated model in DirectX which loads and animates based on the following DirectX sample: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee418677%28VS.85%29.aspx As good as the sample is it does not really go into some of the details of animation that I'd like. For example, if I have a mesh which has a running animation ...

hierarchical regex expression

Is it possible/practical to build a single regular expression that matches hierarchical data? For example: <h1>Action</h1> <h2>Title1</h2><div>data1</div> <h2>Title2</h2><div>data2</div> <h1>Adventure</h1> <h2>Title3</h2><div>data3</div> I would like to end up with matches. "Action", "Title1", "data1" "Action", "Title2", "data...