
How do you make the background of a video or picture clear in Quartz Composer?

I'd like to remove all of the black from a picture attached to a sprite so that it becomes transparent. ...

Asp.Net 2 Custom Server Controls Properties

I am having a very hard time finding a standard pattern / best practice that deals with rendering child controls inside a composite based on a property value. Here is a basic scenario. I have a Composite Control that has two child controls, a textbox and a dropdown. Lets say there is a property that toggles which child to render. so: ...

How do I configure a RollingFileAppender to roll by date and size with log4net?

I am configure log4net to use a composite RollingFileAppender so that the current file is always named logfile.log and all subsequent files are named logfile-YYYY.MM.dd.seq.log where seq is the sequence number if a log exceeds a certain size within a single day. Unfortunately, I have had very little success in configuring such a setup. ...

NHibernate - Composite-Id on relation - Where ID of parent is not same composite

Say I have these table in an Oracle database Person: PersonId <- PK ID (int, from sequence) PersonFirstNameID <-- int PersonLastNameID <-- int PersonSecurityID <-- int PersonDetails PersonFirstNameID -CompositeKey PersonLastNameID -CompositeKey PersonSecurityID -CompositeKey PersonDetailKey PersonDetailValue PersonDetailRisk Now I wan...

Diamond inheritance (C++)

I know that having diamond inheritance is considered bad practice. However, I have 2 cases in which I feel that diamond inheritance could fit very nicely. I want to ask, would you recommend me to use diamond inheritance in these cases, or is there another design that could be better. Case 1: I want to create classes that represent diffe...

REST returning an object graph

Hi Guys, I am new to the REST architecural design, however I think I have the basics of it covered. I have a problem with returning objects from a RESTful call. If I make a request such as http://localhost/{type A}/{id} I will return an instance of A from the database with the specified id. My question is what happens when A contains ...

Use Linq to Query for terminal/Leaf nodes in Hierarchical Table/Composite pattern

I have a self-referencing table with an Id, CategoryName, and ParentId. It's a typical scenario of a hierarchy table of categories that can themselves be divided into categories that DB experts tell me is called the adjacency model. What I want is to use Linq to SQL to query for subcategories that themselves are related to no other sub...

Grails Domain Class without ID field or with partially NULL composite field

Per an answer to a previous question (answer here:, I have tried to use a domain class to represent a view in my database. This works wonderfully in most cases, however: I have a view with no single unique key. Let's say the underlying tables look like this: ...

Composite Pattern Iterator without recursion

Has anyone written or thought about writing an iterator for a composite (tree) structure without using recursion? If so can you share your ideas? Thks Edit: I was thinking of Java for lang. ...

"Screen" effect in Java 2D graphics

This is a question that's been bugging me for some time now: In photoshop/GIMP, there is a "screen" layer composition mode. This mode has bright colours have a strong alpha, and dark colours a weak one. Black is entirely transparent, white entirely opaque. I would dearly love to be able to replicate this composite using Java 2D graphic...

Itereting hierarchy of nodes - Visitor and Composite ?

Let's imagine I have a collection of nodes that I use for my Renderer class later on. Then I have a Visitor class that can visit node or whole collection. It's simple because my collection of nodes it's simply a wrapper to the std::list with few extra methods. The problem is I'd like to have a tree like structure for nodes(instead of si...

GWT Composite best practices

Howdy, I'm learning GWT and have started to get the hang of it. I'm at the point where my code is getting to be a spaghetti mess so I'm going back and factoring reasonable bits of it out as Composites. The first problem I ran into was that my tool support failed to give the new Composite class an initWidget() method. It did include a...

When are interfaces needed?

(In the context of .NET for what its worth) I tend to not use inheritance and rarely use interfaces. I came across someone who thinks interfaces are the best thing since spit. He uses them everywhere. I don't understand this and hence the questions that follow. I just want a check on my understanding of interfaces. If you are using...

What are the options for finding nodes when using the composite pattern?

Apart from recursively querying each node, are there any other options for searching for a node given some identifier? ...

Subqueries and Duplicates regarding Combination of fields

I have a database where I have records that come in sets of two. For example, these records will have the same Rec_ID and Veh_ID. I need to get these duplicates and then find the one with the higher Axl_Rating. Then I need to include that value in a query that hits multiple tables. I would like my query to return the rows denoted b...

Adding OCX Control to a Resource Dialog (how Do I control it)

Hi there, I'm adding an OCX to a resource dialog that I've created in my C++ project. The ocx adds properly; but my question is how do I access the ocx programatically? I don't see a member variable (or even a class) attached to it. This is my .rc contents ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////...

NHibernate without any intrusive class decoration?

NHibernate doesn't require too much decoration of POCOs, but having to put surrogate keys in my domain objects makes me feel a bit ill. Call me over-zealous - I'd prefer 'ideologically consistent' - but my domain objects should surely work with natural keys and not have to resort to surrogates. I don't mind using surrogates in my databa...

WPF - Is this a fit? Composite WPF (Prism), multiple screens/controls & 3rd Party Controls (Docking, Ribbon)

Hi, I'm looking at using Composite WPF (Prism) for an application shell. I also like the WPF Syncfusion DockingManager and Ribbon Control - but the question is how do I get the Syncfusion controls to work with Composite WPF in a composite, multi-window application? The application I have in mind will have a shell application with a rib...

Scoped/composite surrogate keys in MySQL

Here's an excerpt of my current database (changed the table-names for an easier understanding): Pet(ownerFK, id, name, age) Owner(id, name) Where id is always a surrogate key, created with auto_increment. I want to have the surrogate key to be "scoped" by Pet.ownerFK or in otherwords, have a composite key [ownerFk, id] as my m...

Implementing MEF with ASP.NET MVC?

I am trying to find out if anyone has any experience or ideas of using MEF (Managed Extensible Framework (Microsoft's new plugin framework) with ASP.NET MVC. I need to create a standard ASP.NET MVC, which I have. But I need to offer additional functionality i.e. Views and Controllers, etc, depending on if I add a plugin. It doesn't need ...