
Search Ranking/Relevance Algorithms

When developing a database of articles in a Knowledge Base (for example) - what are the best ways to sort and display the most relevant answers to a users' question? Would you use additional data such as keyword weighting based on whether previous users found the article of help, or do you find a simple keyword matching algorithm to be ...

What is the best method to generating ranking lists for my website homepage?

What is the best way to generate and maintain several ranking lists for the home page of a website/webapp? e.g. hot posts, most recent posts, most comments, most consecutive wins etc. Currently, I'm thinking about using a cron job scheduler to run the queries to gather the statistics, run an algorithm on the statistics and then finally ...

"Most popular" GROUP BY in LINQ?

Assuming a table of tags like the stackoverflow question tags: TagID (bigint), QuestionID (bigint), Tag (varchar) What is the most efficient way to get the 25 most used tags using LINQ? In SQL, a simple GROUP BY will do: SELECT Tag, COUNT(Tag) FROM Tags GROUP BY Tag I've written some LINQ that works: var groups = from t in Dat...

List ranking algorithm

Given a list of numbers, which can be in any order, such as 3, -5, -1, 2, 7, 12, -8 I would like to produce a list which represents their rank, which in this case would be 4, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 0 The numbers are actually some member of an ordered list of classes. Note that the order of the list does not change, they just get counted a...

SEO Services - Good or Bad?

What is everyone's opinion of SEO companies and is there a true honest service that can help? Is it a waste of money and time? Are they really able to influence your ranking in a search? ...

A better similarity ranking algorithm for variable length strings

I'm looking for a string similarity algorithm that yields better results on variable length strings than the ones that are usually suggested (levenshtein distance, soundex, etc). For example, Given string A: "Robert", Then string B: "Amy Robertson" would be a better match than String C: "Richard" Also, preferably, this algorithm sh...

Subqueries and Duplicates regarding Combination of fields

I have a database where I have records that come in sets of two. For example, these records will have the same Rec_ID and Veh_ID. I need to get these duplicates and then find the one with the higher Axl_Rating. Then I need to include that value in a query that hits multiple tables. I would like my query to return the rows denoted b...

how to count and rank data in php as efficiently as possible

I'm not new to programming, but i'm new to MySQL and PHP. I'm wondering what the most efficient way of doing the following. I dont need the actual code, but just the steps. I have a list of user reviews, lets say simply: USER REVIEW Bob nice John good Fred bad Bob poor Bob the best Fred medicre Bob shiny ...

C# Ranking of objects, multiple criteria

I am building a plugin for a LAN party website that I wrote that would allow the use of a Round Robin tournament. All is going well, but I have some questions about the most efficient way to rank over two criteria. Basically, I would like the following rakning layout: Rank Wins TotalScore PersonE 1 5 50 PersonD 2 ...

Best way to update user rankings without killing the server

I have a website that has user ranking as a central part, but the user count has grown to over 50,000 and it is putting a strain on the server to loop through all of those to update the rank every 5 minutes. Is there a better method that can be used to easily update the ranks at least every 5 minutes? It doesn't have to be with php, it...

Contest ranking question - how to rank entries in multiple categories?

I'm currently developing a video contest web application using Ruby on Rails. It integrates closely with YouTube, which it uses for submitting videos, comments, average rating, and popularity stats. The application will also count Twitter and (possibly) Facebook mentions, and count the number of times visitors have clicked an "Add This" ...

SQL CODE to do: Trending topics equals a twitter

If i wants count the matching words in a rows of two tables, with milions of rows, sample: Table posts, sample: +----+---------+-----------------------------+ | ID | ID_user | text | +----+---------+-----------------------------+ | 1 | bruno | michael jackson is dead | | 2 | thomasi | michael j. moonwalk...

A Ranking algorithm

I need to sort some products base on user ratings. Suppose we have 3 products {a,b,c} and we have user's feed backs about this products. It's not important which user give us feed back (this question is not about correlative filtering if you are familiar with it - user interests is not the case here) Each of these below lines are feed...

Products Ranking

I need to sort some products base on user ratings. Suppose we have 3 products {a,b,c} and we have user's feed backs about this products. It's not important which user give us feed back (this question is not about correlative filtering if you are familiar with it - user interests is not the case here) Each of these below lines are feed ...

Ranking using Geographic Location in Solr

What is the correct way to implement a custom ranking algorithm for Solr/Lucene? I read about Zvents implementing a Distance Weighting ranking system for documents which correspond to events in a specific geographic area (http://www.lucidimagination.com/Community/Hear-from-the-Experts/Articles/Zvents). I would like to do something simi...

How to implement custom search result ranking?

My lucene index contains documents with the field "itemName". This field is boosted with a boost factor between 0 and 1. When i create a BooleanQuery i'd like that the results are ranked by the count of matched clauses and the boostfactor, so the formula looks like: score = (count_of_matching_clauses / count_of_total_clauses + boost_fac...

How to filter search results in this example

I have a product table that contains thousands of products. Some products are available in different colors. But when somebody searches for example 'mp3 player' i dont want to show him every color, instead just the player with the best selling color. Her is the table layout (simplified): ID | PRODUCT_NAME | COLOR | SALE_COUNT ====...

Cake Comparison Algorithm

This is literally about comparing cakes. My friend is having a cupcake party with the goal of determining the best cupcakery in Manhattan. Actually, it's much more ambitious than that. Read on. There are 27 bakeries, and 19 people attending (with maybe one or two no-shows). There will be 4 cupcakes from each bakery, if possible incl...

Identifying accurate matches from SQL Server Full Text Search

Hello I am using SQL Server 2008 Full Text Search, and joining to the FreeTextTable to determine ranking of results. How do I determine whether the result set is giving an accurate match or not? For example, for one search I may get these results: Manufacturer | Rank =================== LG U300 ------- 102 LG C1100 ------ 54 LG GT50...

Add two types of ranking to MDX query

Starting with the MDX below I'd like to add two ranking columns that evaluate the member "Close Ratio". The first rank would be based on the sales rep population. Let's say there are 100 reps then if no close ratios repeat the rep with the highest ratio would be number 1 and the rep with the lowest ratio would be number 100. The second...