
SQL: Counting unique votes with a rolling votes-per-hour limit

Given a table of votes (users vote for a choice, and must supply an email address): votes -- id: int choice: int timestamp: timestamp ip: varchar email: varchar What's the best way to count "unique" votes (a user being a unique combination of email + ip) given the constraint they may only vote twice per hour? It's possible to count t...

How can I apply mathematical function to MySQL query?

I've got the following query to determine how many votes a story has received: SELECT s_id, s_title, s_time, (s_time-now()) AS s_timediff, ( (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM s_ups WHERE stories.q_id=s_ups.s_id) - (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM s_downs WHERE stories.s_id=s_downs.s_id) ) AS votes FROM stories I'd like to apply the following mathematic...

Why aren't voting machines open source?'s only sort of programming related, but I figure it's election day, right? Is there a single good reason why they aren't, not necessarily open source in that anyone can contribute, but open source in that anyone could inspect the source? ...

Is there a free web service for up/down voting ideas?

I'm interested in starting an open-source project based on an idea from another thread, and I think that it would be valuable to have a system in place to allow ideas for the new project to be proposed and voted up and down. I discovered the IdeaTorrent web-application, which is just what I'm looking for, except that I would have to sign...

Stack Overflow / reddit voting system in php

I'm looking for examples of how to implement a StackOverflow / reddit voting system in php. Basically I want the Up and Down arrow box. Are there any good examples out there? ...

How to ban or remove unruly or abusive SO cit.

Clearly there needs to be a way I think ? EDIT: dup of ...

Stopping users voting multiple times on a website

I'm planning to add some vote up/vote down buttons to a website I run. This seems easy enough but I want to stop people voting multiple times. One solution would be to make them register before allowing them to vote but I'd prefer not to have to force them to register. Is there are a reasonably straightforward way of doing this? Checki...

When creating a social voting system, should you keep track of downvotes and upvotes separately in the DB?

With things like SO, Digg, Reddit, etc... Should one keep track of downvotes in the database independent of upvotes? Or should they simply have a "votes" field that is decremented/incremented based off what the user does with no persisting of that? How should votes be handled? ...

e-democracy: web based voting software

For an organization counting a few thousands of members, can you recommend web based voting software? ...

Voting system/engine for customers?

I'm talking about some web thing like Can you suggest any other similar service, web-site or may be (even better) a ready engine for deployment on own server? Actually, the question more about systems, which can be installed on your own server. ...

Best practice for comment voting database structure

I'm working on a PHP app that has several objects that can be commented on. Each comment can be voted on, with users being able to give it +1 or -1 (like Digg or Reddit). Right now I'm planning on having a 'votes' table that has carries user_id and their vote info, which seems to work fine. The thing is, each object has hundreds of co...

How to implement ajax voting application using the Grails Framework?

any good samples of code or articles that can help? ...

selecting and displaying ranked items and a user's votes, a la reddit, digg, et al

when selecting ranked objects from a database (eg, articles users have voted on), what is the best way to show: the current page of items the user's rating, per item (if they've voted) rough schema: articles: id, title, content, ... user: id, username, ... votes: id, user_id, article_id, vote_value is it better/ideal to: select ...

Framework or library for creating user based rating systems such as in Digg, Reddit etc?

Looking for a good client side library using which I can create a reddit vote up / down, commenting, etc system? The more mature the framework the better as this will go on a production site immediately. ...

Simplest possible voting/synchronization algorithm

What would be a simplest algorithm one or more people could use to decide who of them should perform some task? There is one task, which needs to be done only once, and one or more people. People can speak, that is, send messages one to another. Communication must be minimal, and all people use the exact same algorithm. One person sayin...

Practical applications of homomorphic encryption algorithms?

It appears there there were interesting things going on in cryptography: the first homomorphic encryption scheme appeared recently (explanation, HT). Roughly speaking, it is a way of encoding x into f(x) such that you can compute f(x+y) easily knowing f(x) and f(y) even though you can't easily restore x and y (and same for f(x*y)). What...

Secure voting

I'am writting voting web aplication and I'm not sure how to implement it. One user can vote for many pictures but he can't vote for one many times. What should I save in database or in cookies? I'm using ASP.NET MVC. Users are NOT authenticated. ...

A Ranking algorithm

I need to sort some products base on user ratings. Suppose we have 3 products {a,b,c} and we have user's feed backs about this products. It's not important which user give us feed back (this question is not about correlative filtering if you are familiar with it - user interests is not the case here) Each of these below lines are feed...

Products Ranking

I need to sort some products base on user ratings. Suppose we have 3 products {a,b,c} and we have user's feed backs about this products. It's not important which user give us feed back (this question is not about correlative filtering if you are familiar with it - user interests is not the case here) Each of these below lines are feed ...

Best way to implement voting in a Rails application?

What's the best plugin these days for implementing voting on a Rails site? Two I'm aware of are: vote_fu acts_as_voteable ...